Session of April 20, 2023
April 20, 2023
Minutes Recorded by: Sean Koay, Senate Secretary
Visitor(s): Abby Leatherman, Senate Mom
Call to Order at 11:07 AM
Senator prays
Roll Called
Minutes Approved at 11:09
Special Business:
PPT. Gonzalez: So, it has been an interesting time, I have grown a lot, and I want to thank Jake Farmer for being the new PPT next year as I resign.
New Business:
VP. Crowder: I was unable to finish the bill to be put on the website, but after meeting in Exec. Cab., we want to split 500 each with the Student Senate to replace the umbrellas at ASC. They have been out there for over 5 years. Any thought about this?
Chairman Byrne: Do we have an update sheet from Wanda?
VP. Crowder: I will try to get them and send it to you.
Chairman Byrne: We might put this bill on standby till next semester.
Chairman Hoekstra: There is Senate ice cream this week.
Chairman Byrne: SI Blitz is happening on the 29th, and we still need senators to help with set up and tear down.
This week there is the Senior Skills banquet on the 20th, there is a 5-course meal available.
If you want to be NSO staff scan this QR Code or talk to Dr. Conn.
Powderpuff for the girls is happening this week too.
Facility is hiring this summer, if you work 30 hrs a week, you will get paid 12.5/hr, there is also free housing if you work over 300 hrs this summer. Tell people to join so Tyler Hall kids can get AC.
If you have a sinus infection, you can use Buzz Care, and they will prescribe you antibiotics, so use this it is free.
President-Elect Fuentes: So, part of the thing I am doing, is getting activities for hell week, on Monday there is cookies, on Tuesday student life will be doing something, Thursday LSM will be serving their mocktail, Friday will be Senate Ice Cream, and Saturday will be YAC’ Final’s Eve, Sunday there is going to be a breakfast from 9-11. We are going to start our social media going, and the student centre should display this on the screen to get this information out.
Chairman Byrne: Exec. Cab. is putting out a poll to get students’ opinions on chapels, to which they would bring the results to the theology departments. Please go and fill it out, as we are trying to make the chapel something more liked by students. There is also a raffle for a 10-dollar amazon gift card.
Dr. Conn: Sometimes in survey people ask question just because they are curious about stuff, so please go to the correct authorities and person in charge to find out what stuff will actually be useful information.
Byrne goes through questions on the survey.
Open Forum:
VP. Crowder: Senate Dinner?
Chairman Byrne: I need somebody to send out a survey on the Discord on where and when for the dinner.
Senate Mom: If you can get bundles, you should be able to stick to the budget. Just set a couple options and not overcrowd it on the survey.
VP. Crowder: Buffalo Wild Wings, Chick Fil A, and Taco Bells are my options.
Motion to Recess.
Recessed at 11:31