We, the students of LeTourneau University, in order to foster a spirit of cooperation among students, faculty, and administration; to provide for an effective means of communication; to seek to improve the campus; to coordinate, regulate, and execute student activities and ministries; to maintain high standards of personal conduct; to promote and encourage personal growth; and to develop good citizens with a Christ-centered perspective, do hereby establish this Constitution for the Student Body of LeTourneau University.
Article I - The Executive Cabinet
Section A. Definition
The Executive Cabinet shall consist of:
The Student Body President (President)
The Student Body Vice President (Vice President)
The Student Body Treasurer (Treasurer)
The LeTourneau Student Ministries President (LSM President)
The YellowJacket Activities Council President (YAC President)
Section B. Purposes and Responsibilities
The Executive Cabinet shall exist to promote the general welfare of the LeTourneau University Student Body (being all traditional students enrolled at LeTourneau University) by:
Facilitating communication between the Student Body and the University Administration;
By overseeing student activities and ministries through the agencies established to coordinate and conduct them;
By working in cooperation with Senate.
The Executive Cabinet shall take the necessary and proper steps to uphold and enforce the provisions set forth in this Constitution in accordance with the University’s Administrative policies and procedures.
Section C. Officer Requirements
Each Officer must have completed a minimum of three semesters at LeTourneau University and be at least a second semester sophomore at the time of election.
Each Officer shall be enrolled in at least nine credit hours at LeTourneau University throughout his or her term.
Each Officer shall maintain a lifestyle consistent with the University’s Statement of Faith.
Each Officer shall be in good standing with the University as defined by the LeTourneau University Student Handbook and the LeTourneau University Catalog and uphold the academic and disciplinary standards as outlined by Student Life’s guidelines for IMPACT leadership.
Each Officer shall comply with the Constitution, Constitutional Bylaws, Executive Bylaws, and all enacted legislation.
Each Officer shall be elected each year by a preferential election method, as defined by the Constitutional Bylaws.
Each Officer shall serve a one year term beginning one week prior to the end of the Spring Semester. Each Officer shall take the Oath of Office as stated in the Constitutional Bylaws during the last week of classes.
The Vice President must have completed two semesters as a member of Senate before taking office and attended at least 20 sessions as recorded by the Secretary.
Section D. Executive Cabinet Officers
The Student Body President shall:
Be the official representative for the Student Body;
Be the responsible communicator to the University Administration on behalf of the Student Body;
Sign all bills and resolutions as required by Article II, Section E;
Have the power to veto any legislation as defined by Article II, Section E;
Have the power to call and preside over meetings of the Executive Cabinet;
Have the power to call special meetings of Senate with at least a forty-eight hour notice to Senators.
The Student Body Vice President shall:
Have the power to call and preside over all Senate meetings;
Train Senators in leadership skills and Senate procedures;
Assist the President in communication between Senate and the faculty and administration;
Succeed to the position of President should the office become vacant;
Fulfill the duties of the President in case of illness or absence.
The Student Body Treasurer shall:
Be responsible to Senate and the Executive Cabinet in all financial matters;
Keep accurate records of all income and expenditures;
Assist Senate and the Executive Cabinet with budget proposals;
Hold final responsibility for all Senate and Executive Cabinet expenditures.
The LSM President shall:
Preside over all LSM meetings;
Meet regularly with the University’s Spiritual Life Committee;
Nominate LSM Cabinet Members to be approved by Student Life;
Maintain a close working relationship with the University Campus Pastor;
Train LSM Cabinet Members in leadership skills and day-to-day procedures.
The YAC President shall:
Be responsible for ensuring that all YAC activities follow University guidelines;
Oversee the promotion of all YAC activities;
Train YAC coordinators in leadership skills and day-to-day procedures.
Section E. Removals and Vacancies
Resignations and Removals:
Each Executive Officer may resign by submitting a letter of resignation to Senate;
Each Executive Officer may be removed from office by a petition signed by two-thirds of the Student Body;
The Vice President may be removed upon a two-thirds vote of the entire Senate;
The LSM President may be removed upon a two-thirds vote of the entire LSM Cabinet;
The YAC President may be removed upon a two-thirds vote of the YAC Coordinators.
Should the office of Student Body President become vacant, the Student Body Vice President shall become President.
Should the office of Vice President, Treasurer, LSM President, or YAC President become vacant, the President shall nominate a replacement who fulfills the qualifications for office and who shall take office upon confirmation by a two-thirds vote of the entire Senate.
Article II - Student Senate
Section A. Definition, Powers, and Responsibilities
Senate shall:
Be the representative body of the LeTourneau University Student Body;
Operate in cooperation with the Executive Cabinet and the University Administration through coordinated two-way communication;
Give student organizations the opportunity to use Senate funds and resources to benefit the Student Body;
Take the necessary and proper steps to uphold and enforce the provisions set forth in this Constitution in accordance with the University’s policies and procedures.
All legislative powers shall be vested in Senate.
Section B. Senators
Each Senator shall live in the district for which that Senator is elected during the entire time in office.
Each Senator shall be enrolled in at least nine credit hours at LeTourneau University throughout his or her term.
Each Senator shall maintain a lifestyle consistent with the University’s Statement of Faith.
Each Senator shall be in good standing with the University as defined by the LeTourneau University Student Handbook and the LeTourneau University Catalog and uphold the academic and disciplinary standards as outlined by Student Life’s guidelines for IMPACT leadership.
Each Senator must attend Senate training as designated by the Vice President.
Voting Districts:
Each residential unit or residential society, being defined as a floor or floors which identify themselves in name and action as a single entity, shall be considered one voting district.
When in question, The Department of Student Life shall determine the section of housing to be defined as a floor.
Each voting district is entitled to one Senator for every twenty-five students or fraction thereof provided that at least five students live within that district.
The number of Senators allowed per voting district shall be determined according to the last Fall Residence Life official housing list. If a voting district has less than five students according to the Fall Residence Life housing list, and more than five according to the Spring Residence Life housing list, the Spring list may be used for that voting district.
Be responsible to Senate and the Executive Cabinet in all financial matters;
Keep accurate records of all income and expenditures;
Assist Senate and the Executive Cabinet with budget proposals;
Hold final responsibility for all Senate and Executive Cabinet expenditures.
Senators shall:
Represent the interests of their voting district to Senate;
Inform their voting district of issues and legislation under consideration by Senate;
Act as leaders on campus;
Uphold and defend the Constitution;
Take the Oath of Office as stated by the Constitutional Bylaws.
Senator Removals and Vacancies:
Senators may be dismissed from Senate by:
A two-thirds vote of all members of their voting district;
Submitting their letter of resignation to Senate;
Moving from their voting district;
Failure to follow the attendance requirements as determined by the Constitutional Bylaws.
If a Senate seat becomes vacant, a reelection must be held as determined by the Constitutional Bylaws.
Section C. Senate Officers
The President Pro Tempore (PPT):
Be responsible for overseeing the operation of all committees, including nomination of committee chairs and committee members;
Become the acting Student Body President if the positions of both Student Body President and Student Body Vice President become vacant and shall hold an election to fill these offices as determined by the Constitutional Bylaws;
Promote the efficiency of Senate operations by necessary and proper means.
Specific duties of the PPT shall be defined by the Senate Bylaws.
The PPT must be a Senator at the time of his or her election.
The PPT must have been a Senator for at least one full semester before serving as PPT.
Election and Removal
The method and time of election shall be determined by the Constitutional Bylaws.
The PPT will serve for one academic year.
The PPT may be removed from office upon a two-thirds vote of the entire Senate.
The PPT may resign by submitting his or her resignation in writing to Senate.
    The PPT will retain all rights and privileges of a Senator.
The Senate Sergeant-at-Arms:
Enforce all legislation relating to the internal workings of Senate as defined in the Senate Bylaws.
Maintain general order in Senate General Assembly and acts as the designated parliamentarian.
Specific duties of the Sergeant-at-Arms shall be defined by the Senate Bylaws.
The Sergeant-at-Arms must be a Senator at the time of his or her election.
The Sergeant-at-Arms must have been a Senator for at least one full semester before serving as Sergeant-at-Arms.
Election and Removal
   The method and time of election shall be determined by the Constitutional Bylaws.
   The Sergeant-at-Arms will serve for one academic year.
   The Sergeant-at-Arms may be removed from office upon a two-thirds vote of the entire Senate.
The Sergeant-at-Arms may resign by submitting his or her resignation in writing to Senate.
The Sergeant-at-Arms will retain all rights and privileges of a Senator.
The Senate Secretary:
Maintain and publish records of all Senate proceedings;
Submit all legislation requiring the President’s signature to the Student Body President;
Maintain Senate’s attendance records;
Perform other administrative tasks as designated by the Constitutional Bylaws, Senate Bylaws, PPT, or Vice President.
Specific roles of the Secretary shall be defined by the Senate Bylaws.
The Secretary must be enrolled in at least nine credit hours at LeTourneau University throughout his or her service.
The Secretary must maintain a lifestyle consistent with the University’s Statement of Faith and be in good standing with the University.
The Secretary may not be a Senator or Executive Officer during the same year as serving as Secretary.
Election and Removal
The method and time of election shall be determined by the Constitutional Bylaws.
The Secretary may be dismissed for failure to perform the allotted duties by a two-thirds vote of the entire Senate.
The Secretary may resign by submitting his or her resignation in writing to Senate.
Section D. Senate Assembly
Two-thirds of the members of Senate shall constitute a quorum.
Quorum is required to conduct an official meeting.
Attendance requirements for Senators shall be determined by the Constitutional Bylaws.
Each Senator shall have exactly one vote.
Senate shall assemble regularly as determined by the Senate Bylaws.
Senate meetings shall be open to the public.
Section E. Legislation
Legislation shall only be introduced by Senators.
Legislation changing standing rules or amending Senate Bylaws shall be enacted upon passage.
Resolutions expressing an opinion shall require the signature of the Student Body President before being published.
All other legislation shall require the signature of the Student Body President and be reviewed by the Dean of Students prior to enactment.
Vetoes by the Student Body President may be overridden by Senate with a 2/3 majority vote.
Legislation not signed by the Student Body President within 6 days of passage by Senate shall take effect as if it had been signed.
Article III - LeTourneau Student Ministries (LSM)
Section A. Definition, Powers, and Responsibilities
LeTourneau Student Ministries (LSM) shall be responsible for providing organized events by which students directly or indirectly address the spiritual needs of our world as an expression of our Christian faith.
LSM shall:
Encourage students’ faith and maturity in Christ;
Begin new student ministries;
Coordinate and support current ministries;
Seek to foster spiritual growth and unity in the University.
Section B. Executive Officers
 LSM shall be comprised of a cabinet of members who work with the LSM President in carrying out the mission of LSM.
 Cabinet members shall meet regularly with the LSM President.
 Cabinet members may take on specific roles within LSM, as defined by the LSM Bylaws.
 Each Cabinet member shall be enrolled in at least nine credit hours at LeTourneau University throughout their term.
 Each Cabinet member shall maintain a lifestyle consistent with the University's Statement of Faith.
 Each Cabinet member shall be in good standing with the University as defined by the LeTourneau University Student Handbook and the LeTourneau University Catalog.
Cabinet members shall serve a one year term beginning one week prior to the end of the Spring Semester classes.
Additional administrative structure shall be determined by the LSM Bylaws.
Cabinet members shall be eligible for compensation as determined by the LSM Bylaws.
Cabinet members shall comply with the Constitution, Constitutional Bylaws, LSM Bylaws, and all enacted legislation.
Section C. Advisor
The chief advisor of LSM shall be the Campus Pastor or his or her designee.
The chief advisor shall maintain a close working relationship with the LSM President and take an active role in the planning and execution of ministries.
Article IV - YellowJacket Activities Council (YAC)
Section A. Definition, Powers, and Responsibilities
The YellowJacket Activities Council (YAC) shall be responsible for providing quality programs, activities, and special events that create opportunities for whole person and community development through edifying entertainment and creative Christian fellowship.
Section B. YAC Coordinators
YAC shall be comprised of coordinators who assist the YAC President in carrying out the mission of YAC.
Coordinators shall meet regularly with the YAC President.
Coordinators may take on specific roles within YAC, as defined by the YAC Bylaws.
Each Coordinator shall be enrolled in at least nine credit hours at LeTourneau University throughout their term.
    Each Coordinator shall maintain a lifestyle consistent with the University's Statement of Faith.
Each Coordinator shall be in good standing with the University as defined by the LeTourneau University Student Handbook and the LeTourneau University Catalog.
Coordinators shall serve a one year term beginning one week prior to the end of the Spring Semester classes.
Additional administrative structure shall be determined by the YAC Bylaws.
Coordinators shall be eligible for compensation as determined by the YAC Bylaws.
Coordinators shall comply with the direction of the office of Student Life, Constitution, Constitutional Bylaws, YAC Bylaws, and all enacted legislation.
Section C. Supervision
The chief supervisor of YAC shall be a member of Student Life appointed by the Dean of Students.
The chief supervisor shall:
Provide written authorization for all expenditures;
Maintain a close working relationship with the YAC President;
Take an active role in the planning and execution of activities and YAC leadership.
Article V - Clubs and Organizations
Section A. Definitions
Clubs shall be defined as associations of students with a faculty sponsor, organized around a common interest which derives its legitimacy and existence from Student Life, and funding from Student Government. Clubs shall require re-recognition by Student Life each year.
Organizations shall be defined as associations of students with a faculty sponsor, organized around a common interest, project or competition which derives its legitimacy and existence from the University outside of Student Life. Organizations do not need to be re-recognized each year.
Section B. Privileges and Responsibilities
Official clubs and organizations will be given the ability to:
Apply for Senate funds;
Have a Senate lobbyist;
Sponsor University events;
Use University facilities and services;
Publicize and advertise on campus;
Use the LeTourneau University name;
Have other rights and privileges as outlined in the Constitutional Bylaws.
Section C. Recognition
Club and organization recognition shall be determined by the Constitutional Bylaws.
Section D. Revocation of Official Status
Allegations of a club or organization violating University or Senate policy or procedures shall be made in writing to Senate to be reviewed and evaluated for possible revocation of official recognition by Senate.
Other sanctions may be levied against the group according to the Constitutional Bylaws.
In the event that legal restrictions or obligations prevent the claims against the organization from being released to Senate, the allegations shall be presented to the Dean of Students who shall have the authority to immediately revoke official recognition.
Article VI - Student Government Finances
Section A. Source of Funds
Student Government funds shall come from, but not be limited to, the Student Government portion of the General Fee.
Revenues collected by any branch or agency of Student Government as a result of normal operations shall remain under the control of that branch or agency.
Section B. Categories of Funds
Student Government funds shall be separated into the following categories:
Executive Cabinet
LeTourneau Student Ministries (LSM)
YellowJacket Activities Council (YAC)
Funds from one category shall not be kept in the same account with funds from another category.
Each branch may transfer or allocate funds only from accounts in its category.
Section C. Automatic Allocations
Automatic allocations shall occur when funds are received by Student Government. Funds that are not automatically allocated shall be placed in the legislative accounts.
Compensation shall be allocated automatically. Compensation for all Student Government officers shall be determined by the Constitutional Bylaws. The total compensation for all officers shall not be more than 40% of the total amount of funds allocated to Student Government. Compensation shall be in the form of a participatory merit stipend. If a position becomes vacant, compensation shall be prorated according to time spent in office.
The Executive Cabinet shall be allocated funds automatically. These funds shall be determined by the Constitutional Bylaws and shall not be less than 1% or greater than 5% of the total funds allocated to Student Government.
LSM and YAC shall be allocated funds automatically. These funds shall be determined by the Constitutional Bylaws and shall not be less than 5% or greater than 25% per agency of the total funds allocated to Student Government.
Section D. Expenditure Planning
The Executive Cabinet, LSM, and YAC must each submit a budget to Senate no later than the second Senate session after the 12th day of classes.
If no proposed plan of expenditures is received from a branch by the second Senate session after the 12th day of classes, then Senate shall not allocate funds in addition to those automatically allocated to that branch for that semester.
Senate must pass a general allocation bill by the second session after Student Government receives funds from the University to provide for the additional needs of each branch that is presenting a proposed plan of expenditures.
Each branch shall have financial records ready to be audited at any time by request of the Administration, the Executive Cabinet, or Senate.
The Executive Cabinet, LSM, and YAC shall provide a financial report to Senate at least once a semester.
Section E. Transfers, Allocations, and Expenditures
A transfer or allocation of funds by the Executive Cabinet shall require the signature of the Student Body President and the Student Body Treasurer. All transfers or allocations of funds by Senate shall be in the form of a bill and shall be enacted by the Student Body Treasurer.
A transfer of funds by a branch for an event, the total cost of which shall not exceed the amount determined by the Constitutional Bylaws, must be approved by a resolution in Senate. This approval shall occur within a reasonable time period as determined by the Constitutional Bylaws.
Article VII - Constitutional Amendments and Bylaws
Section A. Constitutional Amendments
Proposals to amend the Constitution shall require a two-thirds vote of Senate or a petition signed by one-third of the electorate.
Proposed amendments shall be available for review by the Student Body for a minimum of ten class days prior to ratification.
Proposed amendments shall be approved by the Dean of Students prior to being presented to the Student Body for review.
The method of presentation to the Student Body shall be determined by the Constitutional Bylaws.
Amendments shall be declared ratified only after a three-fourths vote of Senate and a majority vote of the elected members of Executive Cabinet including the Student Body President.
Amendments may either be approved or vetoed, regardless of any requirements other than approval by the Dean of Students, by a two-thirds vote of the electorate provided a third of the electorate votes.
Constitutional amendments shall be added to the end of the Constitution in list form following the style of the Constitution of the United States of America.
Section B. Constitutional Bylaws
Senate may adopt or amend Bylaws which enforce the provisions of this Constitution.
Proposals to amend the Constitutional Bylaws shall require a two-thirds vote of the entire Senate.
Proposed amendments shall be made available to Senators at least ten class days prior to being voted on.
Changes in the Constitutional Bylaws affecting the amount of compensation for officers shall not take effect until the following academic year.
The Constitutional Bylaws may not be suspended.
Section C. Executive Bylaws
The Executive Cabinet may adopt or amend Bylaws which govern its operations and procedures by general agreement of the Executive Cabinet.
Executive Bylaws may not exert direct control over any entity outside the authority granted in this Constitution.
Executive Bylaws are strictly for the purpose of governing the internal procedures of the Executive Cabinet.
Changes in the Executive Bylaws affecting the amount of compensation for members shall not take effect until the following academic year.
Executive Bylaws may be suspended, in part or whole, for a specific amount of time by a majority vote of the Executive Cabinet.
Section D. Senate Bylaws
Senate may adopt or amend Bylaws which govern Senate operations and procedures by a two-thirds vote of the entire Senate.
Senate Bylaws may not exert direct control over any entity outside the authority granted in this Constitution.
Senate Bylaws are strictly for the purpose of governing the internal procedures of Senate.
Changes in the Senate Bylaws affecting the amount of compensation for members shall not take effect until the following academic year.
Senate Bylaws may be suspended, in part or whole, for a specific amount of time by a two-thirds vote of Senate.
Section E. LSM Bylaws
LSM may adopt or amend Bylaws which govern LSM operations and procedures by a two-thirds vote of LSM.
LSM Bylaws may not exert direct control over any entity outside the authority granted in this Constitution.
LSM Bylaws are strictly for the purpose of governing the internal procedures of LSM.
Changes in the LSM Bylaws affecting the amount of compensation for members shall not take effect until the following academic year.
LSM Bylaws may be suspended, in part or whole, for a specific amount of time by a two-thirds vote of LSM.
Section F. YAC Bylaws
YAC may adopt or amend Bylaws which govern YAC operations and procedures by a two-thirds vote of YAC Coordinators.
YAC Bylaws may not exert direct control over any entity outside the authority granted in this Constitution.
YAC Bylaws are strictly for the purpose of governing the internal procedures of YAC.
Changes in the YAC Bylaws affecting the amount of compensation for members shall not take effect until the following academic year.
YAC Bylaws may be suspended, in part or whole, for a specific amount of time by a two-thirds vote of YAC.