Session of April 6, 2023
April 6, 2023
Minutes Recorded by: Sean Koay, Senate Secretary
Visitor(s): Dr. Conn
Call to Order at 11:05 AM
Senator prays
Roll Called
Minutes Approved at 11:07
Officer Reports:
PPT. Gonzalez: Thank you for coming today but there are a lot of people missing so PPT elections are postponed till next week.
Committee Reports:
Chairman Byrne: I would just like to say before we talk about 3000 dollars’ worth of bills, we are in the position to be able to pass 3000 dollars’ worth of bills.
Special Business:
VP. Crowder: I have been given a resignation letter from David Fuentes.
VP reads David Fuentes resignation letter.
PPT. Gonzalez: I lied we are actually doing PPT elections today, the way this is going to work is if you have completed one full semester in Senate, you can be nominated by fellow senators. You cannot nominate yourself, once the candidates are finalized, they can stand and give a few words. After this the candidates can leave, and we can start voting.
Chairman Ko: I nominate Jake Farmer.
Jake Farmer accepts nomination.
Senator McNeil: I nominate Jake Drebot.
Jake Drebot accepts nomination.
PPT. Gonzalez: I would like to nominate Francis Ko.
Francis Ko rejects nomination.
Chairman Byrne: I nominate VP. Crowder.
VP. Crowder rejects nomination.
Senator Brandt: I nominate Steve Conn.
VP. Crowder: Steve Conn will not count for this position.
Jake Drebot presents his speech.
Jake Farmer presents his speech.
Jake Farmer is elected as the new PPT.
New Business:
PPT. Gonzalez: Motion to bring a bill to the floor.
SI Blitz Funding Bill of Spring 2023
Bill is brought to a vote.
Bill is passed.
PPT. Gonzalez: Motion to add Chairman Hoekstra to role.
Chairman Byrne: Motion to bring bill to the floor.
Auto Society Bill of Spring 2023
Bill is brought to a vote.
Bill is passed.
Open Forum:
Citizen Allen: So, I am a residential member of AO, and we heard about the constitutional amendments, and have a concern about the changes. It sounds like there would be eight senator spots for each society.
Chairman Byrne: It has been friendly amended, meaning that all the society are grouped together and have 8 senators all together. This has been solved.
VP. Crowder: Here are the updated phrasing.
Citizen Allen: The other concern I have is that Tyler east and west have been separated. As a previous resident, if one floor is more active in Senate, I think that the culture difference will make it so that floors will not represent each floor well. It would make it so that one floor is better represented then the other.
Senator Farmer: People can vote at the beginning of each semester.
VP. Crowder: This will be on the senate website so you can have a look, we can debate on changes this week or next week meeting.
Chairman Ko: So, I have been talking to people and I want to talk about how serious the student and faculty treat the lockdown drill.
Senator Farmer: No one really cared about it.
Senator Berceir: The last three times I have done it, there was only one time we were in the lab, the teacher did not really care and just locked the door.
Senator Dennis: The professor had just locked the door and said how the room was unsafe, but he probably said that because we were behind in class work.
Senator Hancock: I was Abbot Aviation Centre, the professors take it very seriously, but the students did not take it seriously. Personally, if we weren’t told I would not know there is a lockdown.
PPT. Gonzalez: So, what it sounds like is that everyone has the same point of view, and let’s see if we can address the student’s seriousness to this drill. Do staff receive training?
Dr. Conn: They just have basic training like lock the doors and not be seen. Student life took it lightly as it was not really a serious lockdown.
Chairman Ko: I guess just to drive the conversation is that it sounds like there is not a lot of emphasis placed on these drills. I don’t think it would take much to have people acknowledge the drill. I was wondering if there are interest in to making this more seriously.
Senator McNeil: What we could do is also reach out to TFO I can ask to state that when there is a drill to be taking a little bit more seriously. We can try to get faculty more on board.
Dr. Conn: Regarding the effectiveness of sending a rep to TFO, the TFO won’t really do anything, the TFO is more of a gathering for discussion, and if this is the direction we want to go, I think that drafting a resolution, and have a chair or provost to then say to the faculty. If the faculty heard that the students are concerned about this, but it could help change the mind of the faculty. It would be better than one person going to TFO.
Citizen Allen: Many people don’t actually get the notification for the drill. There is a way to opt out of those messages.
Senator Hancock: I get them, but I would see like 7 notifications on my phone. I was with Mr. Owens and he had explained the procedures and it was very helpful.
Senator Berceir: To opt in for the messages you can opt in on the to opt in.
Motion to Recess.
Recessed at 11:46