Session of March 9, 2023
March 9, 2023
Minutes Recorded by: Sean Koay, Senate Secretary
Call to Order at 11:05 AM
Senator prays
Roll Called
Minutes Approved at 11:07
Committee Reports:
Chairman Hoekstra: For the past two weeks the student life committee has been working with Steve Conn about the sprockets but there is not much update.
Chairman Ko: For PR&R, we are investigating and working hard on the yearbook.
VP. Crowder: There is also a new banner on the website that directs you to the executive cabinet.
Special Business:
VP. Crowder: We will have two new senators after spring break, and both are female. They are going to be from Davis and Gilbert Hall.
New Business:
Chairman Drebot: Motion to bring a bill to the floor.
Sting and WAS Funding Bill of Spring 2023 brought to the floor.
WAS Representative does their presentation.
Bill is brought to a vote.
Bill is passed.
VP. Crowder: Spring break is around the corner, so we don’t have session next week. Please enjoy your break, and don’t forget to study for all the tests.
PPT. Gonzalez: I would like to remind everyone that there is only 6 weeks left for the semester, please reach out to me if you are interested to be PPT or chairman please start to reach out so we can train and prepare for the position.
Open Forum:
Chairman Drebot: Water fountains were brought up earlier, and I have heard that ELH 2 and 3 are also facing the same problem.
Chairman Ko: Anyone heard any feedback about the EMS app thing?
Senator Berceir: Only a few people have responded but the response wasn’t great.
Senator Burwell: Answers were the same for my end, there weren’t interested.
PPT. Gonzalez: Seems like the students don’t really care and the RA and PA don’t really care for the system if it means we have to pay more.
Senator Berceir: Is the online way to get to EMS through the LETU?
Chairman Ko demonstrates how to get to the EMS.
Motion to recess
Session recessed at 11:52