Session of April 29, 2022

April 29, 2022

Minutes Recorded by: Francis Ko, Interim Secretary

Visitor(s): "Ascended Senator Gowing" and one red Tyrannosaurus Rex (Former Senator LaQuey)

Call to Order at 10:45 AM

Senator prays

Minutes Approved at 10:48

Roll Called

Officer Reports:

PPT Moyes: Good Morning everybody. Even though it’s final session, we do have a few serious items. Please consider plans for next year and thank you all for everything.

Committee Reports:

Senator Hofer: Senate ice cream is a thing today. We bought a lot, so we need help.

Chairman Drebot: Will VP Crowder show up at ice cream?

VP Crowder: Yes

Special Business:

PPT Moyes: Last session means elections, so we will be getting into that after my resignation. I am really grateful for my time here, and I decided to resign because I think that this is a good time to bring in some new fresh people. A PPT’s role is to make sure everything runs smoothly in Senate, like making sure floor emails are being sent and that the committees cooperate well. Please keep this in mind when electing a new PPT. Think about how people handle responsibility that they have and how they might handle responsibility that they will have. I now officially resign.

Senator Moyes: I now motion to open the floor to PPT nominations.

Chairman Gonzalez: By the way, only the VP can open the floor for these kinds of nominations.

VP Crowder: I now open the floor to PPT nominations.

-- Chairman Gonzalez and Chairman Shaughnessy accept nominations

-- Chairman Gonzalez elected to be the new PPT

VP Crowder: I now appoint Chairman Shaughnessy to be the new Sergeant-at-Arms

VP Crowder: Bethany, our current secretary, is stepping down, meaning that there is an opening. We do have another prospective secretary, Sean Koay, but he cannot make this special Friday session. Let’s go ahead and accept nominations for this position.

--Senator Ko, Citizen Sean Koay, and Senator Hill are nominated

--Senator Ko elected to be the new Secretary

Senator Moyes: Let’s now move on to the committee chair nominations

Chairman Gonzalez: My intention was to have Senator Ko to be the new committee chair, but there now seems to be a bit of a roadblock.

Citizen Avent: The constitutional bylaws do state that a secretary cannot be a senator at the same time, but we can look into that later.

Chairman Gonzalez: In the meantime, I appoint Chairman Drebot as chair of governmental processes, Senator Fuentes as chair of student life, and Senator Byrne as chair of financial appropriations.

Senator Moyes: We talked about whether we should dissolve the ARC committee last time. Thoughts?

SGT Shaughnessy: I think we should move everyone on there to student life for the time being.

VP Crowder: Agreed

Old Business

Senator Rubingh: I motion to bring the VP elections amendment to the floor.

Senator Cartwright: I motion to bring this amendment to a vote.

Citizen Avent: By the way, amendments do need a two thirds majority vote to pass.

Amendment passes.

Senator Bright: I would like to bring the Letter to the Office of the Provost and the Teaching Faculty Organization to the floor.

Senator Cartwright: I motion to bring this letter to a vote.

Letter passes

Senator Rubingh: I would like to bring the Senator Elections and VP Qualifications Amendment to the floor.

Senator Berry: This amendment does get rid of the option for floors to have three senators. I think this limits their representation and takes away an opportunity to have more people to help.

Senator Rubingh: In our discussions, we went with the hard limit to allow for more dedicated senators produced from elections.

Senator Hofer: It can go the other way, sometimes a floor can have over representation.

Amendment passes.

Senator Hofer: Motion to recess.

Meeting recessed at 11:43