Session of April 21, 2022
April 21, 2022
Minutes Recorded by: Bethany, Secretary
Visitor(s): Matthew Strong
Call to Order at 11:07 AM
Senator prays
Roll Called
Minutes Approved at 11:09
Officer Reports:
PPT Moyes: Consider what you plan on doing next semester. If you want to nominate someone for PPT do that. It will be that last meeting of the semester. Continue on, y’all are doing great.
Sergeant Rubingh: Come dressed crazy for the last session.
VP Avent: I am suspending dress code this session. The new VP will do that if he wants. This is the last session I will be chairing. The new VP will take over next week, and there will be elections. The current exec cab has reviewed the constitutional amendment that was brought up about 20 weeks. That will be up for vote next week.
Committee Reports:
Chairman Crowder: Student life committee is finishing up projects. We will go on a material run this afternoon if you want to join. We will do that last regular Friday ice cream this Friday. Next week is super senate ice cream.
Chairman Drebot: We worked on this last week – the senate by laws. Just a couple of changes were made.
Chairman Shaughnessy: We are making some club funding changes – a max of $1200 and making it clear that clubs need to do some of their own fundraising. If no effort is seen toward that, we will not consider giving as much.
Chairman Gonzalez: Can you bring up the website? You can find the final schedule up there if you need to find it.
Special Business:
Chairman Crowder: Next week will be the final senate session. It will be different because during our normal meeting time there will be a senior parade from 11-12. So, our decision is to move our meeting time to Friday during the open chapel slot of 10:35-11:35. I will make other announcements to work out details. As for dress code, I am fine with suspending it but be reasonable to a certain degree.
Old Business:
Senator Bright: I wanted to bring up the SI Blitz bill that we passed last session. She needs two volunteers from 2:30-3:30 on Saturday. You would wear your senate polo and serve pizza. I will pass it on to we have neck fans? And when are we giving them?
Chairman Crowder: We have Senator McKurtis working with FAQ. There will be an email sent about where to find that. It will be two orders because there is a limit. They are about $8.50 so it is reasonable.
Chairman Shaughnessy: Yes, just talk to Wanda.
Chairman Crowder: I still have a lot of metal straws. If you have not gotten a polo and it is a medium, the shipment has not come in yet. You can check the current shirts and pick from those if you like.
Senator Ko: These shirts do fit a bit big.
New Business:
Senator Ko: Motion to bring SEND OFF Bill of 2022 to the floor.
Bill approved
Sergeant Rubingh: Do we need to set the date and location?
VP Avent: We can do it in open forum
Chairman Crowder: Friday Ice cream is this Friday with cookies and cream. Floor snacks still being resolved, will be here by next week for hell week. It is just taking a while and school is hard.
Open forum:
Senator Bright: I polled my floor regarding the fall schedule. 73% in favor of ending by thanksgiving, but 11 would like to start early so we have a normal semester and 3 would like to have a shorter semester.
Senator Hofer: I talked with my floor.
Sergeant Rubingh: No one voted to end in December. 5 in favor of ending early, 7 in favor of starting early.
Senator Hofer: I can not find anyone in favor with the December thing.
Senator McNeil: 6 voted for before, 2 for after.
Senator Smith: 7 to end at thanksgiving, 2 to end after.
Chairman Gonzalez: Most people I talked to were in favor of starting a week early. No one was in favor of leaving for thanksgiving and then coming back. This change was made in regard to RA’s because they only have 1-2 days to travel and move out. The change gives them more time to travel, so we should consider that.
PPT Moyes: It seems we were good about getting data. What are we planning on doing with it? Clearly there is a lot of opinion for various options.
Senator Bright: when I spoke with TFO, they recommended we wright a letter to the provost and TFO expressing concerns and opinions, once the TFO gets that letter, they ill survey the faculty. If they agree with students, then the faculty and TFO hope that is enough pressure to start a discussion.
Chairman Gonzalez: That sounds a lot like a resolution.
Senator Bright: I would propose that the senate wright said letter, and I am willing it write it and maybe we delay until next semester.
VP Avent: This isn’t really a resolution; this is more gathering data and presenting opinions.
Senator Bright: I would resolve the senate formally recognize this as an issue that needs to be addressed.
VP Avent: The motion is that the senate would formally collect data and send info to the TFO liaison.
Senator Hofer: I think we should do this now rather than next semester. The more time, the more likely we will get something done.
PPT Moyes: Since this is handling a lot of data, I would motion to refer data collection to Senator Bright, so he has the raw data. Also, to the PR&R committee. That is a motion.
Motion passes.
Sergeant Rubingh: Where do you want that data sent?
Chairman Gonzales: Send it to Senator Bright and we will work with him.
PPT Moyes: If there is no other business, can we move to open forum?
Chairman Shaughnessy: We are doing some changes for budget, reductions with YAC and LSM. We are also looking at informing them before we vote.
VP Avent: That would be an amendment to the constitutional by laws and needs a two-week waiting period.
Chairman Crowder: I know budget cuts were considered. Have the new YAC and LSM presidents been spoken to regarding that?
Chairman Shaughnessy: No, it is in process, so we have not made people aware until it is voted on.
VP Avent: The constitution specifies that 5%-25% is the range. The discussion would be moving this down.
Chairman Gonzalez: Wasn’t there an audit being conducted?
Chairman Shaughnessy: Senator Berry
Chairman Crowder: Has he found anything?
Senator Allen: I think he said YAC had a good budget, but I don’t remember if there was extra money. LSM had a decent budget and no extra money.
VP Avent: Tell Senator Berry to write things down.
Chairman Shaughnessy: They are also required to show us a written budget. And we can go over the limit if we find it necessary. We would be able to run on 80%, if necessary, just to be clear.
Chairman Drebot: I noticed we are mentioning liaisons and tasks force. We have a proposed amendment that would outline task forces. It also talks about liaisons and how they are to work and be created. We also changed for speaker chair if they are absent, we added an order of succession. There are also small fixes.
Senator Ko: Can we instead just post in on the discord? We only have 10 minutes left.
Senator Hofer: I would like to suggest BWW as we have gone there before.
Chairman Gonzalez: As per breaking tradition. Bodacious is across the street and has $2 sloppy joes.
Chairman Shaughnessy: Can we change venues? Is anyone interested?
Senator Hofer: Can we get an official statement?
VP Avent: Buffalo Wild Wings
PPT Moyes: What date?
Chairman Gonzales: Thursday there is a Bogo for boneless wings. Pay for 15, get 30.
Senator Hofer: That is also a Thursday evening.
Chairman Gonzalez: Sucks.
Senator Allen: Can you pull up the finals schedule? What is the last scheduled final?
PPT Moyes: Are we proposing next Thursday evening, the Thursday of hell week?
VP Avent: I think so.
Chairman Crowder: I would like to note that I am taking a lab final that evening. If you choose that, I cannot be there.
Chairman Gonzalez: What about during last session next week?
Sergeant Rubingh: It will be Friday at 10:35 though.
Senator Hofer: I suggest that Saturday following that Thursday at 6ish.
Chairman Crowder: On the 30th, I know exec cab is having a dinner that evening. YAC is also having finals eve eve.
Sergeant Rubingh: Wednesday the 27th.
PPT Moyes: What time of day?
VP Avnet: Who wants to do it before 3 pm? 5? 7? Everyone before 7. Before 11? Sometime between 5-8. Any more dates?
Senator Allen: I suggest Friday the 29th.
VP Avent: No one wants Wednesday. Kill Thursday. Friday between 5-8.
Chairman Drebot: Can we have or committee chairs meeting at dinner?
VP Avent: Leave the time up to Ko.
Chairman Drebot: I want to bring up the math teacher issue. Nothing has been said and my floor is upset. We are starting to wonder if this is a body representing our students or a bank.
Senator Bright: I suggest a resolution be brought if senate needs to do something.
Senator Allen: My personal experience with the math department has been good so I don’t have the motivation to bring this up. We need specific names of classes and teachers for a specific resolution.
VP Avent: The best course of action is find out who specifically is the issue and bring it to Dr. Krouse.
PPT Moyes: It is 11:51, motion to adjourn.
Sergeant Rubingh: Motion to recess.
Meeting Recessed 11: 52