Session of March 31, 2022
March 31, 2022
Minutes Recorded by: Bethany, Secretary
Visitor(s): Matthew Strong, Jacob White
Call to Order at 11:03 AM
Senator prays
Roll Called
Minutes Approved at 11:06
Officer Reports:
PPT Moyes: Hootenanny is coming up. We will be discussing meetings and such including weekend meetings. As it pertains to absences, please let me know if you will be missing a meeting. If you are marked absent too much you will have to be removed.
Committee Reports:
Chairman Crowder: First, the bill we were going to present today still needs to go through financial appropriations so that will be next week. We have been approved for a memorial in the library for Haven Slocum. We are trying to get photos, stories, etc. so others can remember her. Let us know if you know friends of hers who would want to contribute.
Senator Moore: I got to be a part of a potential new AD interview yesterday. It went well and both candidates were great and seemed to really want to make changes for the better. Just wanted to give y’all that update.
Chairman Drebot: We started talking about the process of senator voting to streamline that process. Let us know if you have questions.
Chairman Gonzales: We are getting senate stickers finalized. We might have to make tweaks to get the most stickers for our money. Thank you to Frances for updating archives and being the minutes liaison. Notice on the website that the Buzz Word link has been removed; however, this does not mean the Buzz Word is deleted. If you search for it in the search bar, you will find it. You can google search for it as well. Nothing has been done to inhibit, censor, or remove the content. We are in a transition phase, so things are changing due to that. It is unlikely the Buzz Word will be an official club because that restricts content. Email me directly if you have any questions. Thank you for your time.
Special Business:
VP Avent: We have a new senator to swear in. Would you please come up?
Senator sworn in
PPT Moyes: Talk with me after session.
Chairman Drebot: I have a resolution to bring up, but it is just an official opinion of the legislative body. Not a law. I motion to bring it to the floor. 2022-2023 Vice President Confirmation Resolution. Matthew Strong has unofficially stated that he will nominate Cameron Crowder for the VP role when he is student body president. Be it confirmed that senate approves this appointment.
Old Business:
Chairman Crowder: I brought the metal straws. If you would like to look, I have all 397. They were provided by my dad’s company and have a small and large straw, plus a fancy cleaning tool. Use them multiple times. The blue thing is so you don’t taste the metal of the straw. Let me know once you grab one so I can keep tally. How would we like to proceed?
Chairman Drebot: I have asked my floor to like a button if they want one, and after that take what’s left to the Hive.
Senator Moore: I think we will be in short order if we put them in the Hive right away.
Chairman Allen: I also ask a few are left in the commuter lounge.
Chairman Crowder: Thank you for suggestions. Voting on the floor will be helpful.
New Business:
Chairman Crowder: Floor shirts have arrived. I know Senator Berry is counting them.
Senator Berry: We are missing the men’s medium. If you are not sure what you asked for, I have that and can tell you. Please getting what you asked for before trying to swap. Motion to bring a bill to the floor. The Baja Bill. I brought this man to answer any questions. The reason we changed the amount was because we have $4000 from sponsorships.
Chairman Drebot: I would like to know how much we have and if this will cause a deficit.
Chairman Shaughnessy: We will have enough funds. No need for concern.
VP Avent: Citizen White do you have anything to say?
Citizen White: Last semester senate gave us $5000 and $3800. Currently we are in communication with an engineering department sponsoring us. We are currently working to make sure we can contact appropriate businesses in the community.
Senator Bright: What are these funds for?
Citizen White: The total cost of the Baja car is $17,000 and currently we need $8700 over the next semester to compete summer 2023. That is paying for the first car in 4 years.
Chairman Crowder: What is the majority of your funds going to and once senate covers the $1500, how much remains to be filled?
Citizen White: $7200 would be left. The largest cost of this would be fabrication of the cage and frame. That is about $4000, shocks are about $2000, a new transmission that will be about $700-1000.
Chairman Gonzales: That welding part is not an actual welder, right?
Senator Bright: Considering the great explanation and seeking of other funding, let’s bring this to a vote.
Bill Approved.
Chairman Crowder: Floor snacks are in so don’t forget to pick them up. Friday ice cream with strawberry this time. We will have our official scooper back this week.
Chairman Gonzales: If you have pictures that you want on the website, please send that to me. Otherwise it will be a senate logo where your face should be.
Senator Branch: How do we send those pictures?
Senator Gonzales: Email them to me. Yesterday’s chapel was really wonderful. If you have any way to contribute to this campus, please do that. There is a lot we can do together. If you need an example, look at the buildings that need updates. Be the change you want and get involved.
Open forum:
Senator Bright: I would like the thank PR&R. Recently I had to reference a bill and it was super easy. Thank you to the work they have done.
Chairman Gonzales: The Dante event ... has that taken place?
Senator Naranjo: It is this weekend.
Senator Berry: Any updates on the survey?
Senator Naranjo: I recently went over concerns we have. We will have no covid related questions this time, and she may make all personal questions on the survey optional. I asked for a copy of the questions before they publish. As far as adding questions, I am not sure we should do.
Chairman Gonzales: I think having the survey each semester is good. My main concern is of student privacy, and I want to make sure we get that right. I suggest any info collected in anonymous and that information is stored in a way that is not easily accessible. Last year we had those issues.
Sergeant Rubingh: Why are Covid questions removed rather than optional?
Senator Naranjo: It seems, from what Hannah said, that each semester the survey tries to find a theme about recent events. This year it is community. Covid is sort of vanishing behind us on campus, so it is not of major a concern anymore. As far as information custody, I will ask Gabe Willis and Hannah mentioned it as well.
Chairman Gonzales: VP Avent will the Welcome Back Initiative be existent still?
VP Avent: I don’t know.
Senator Bright: I reached out to the TFO. They are excited about working with us and don’t have anything currently, but if we need anything they are happy to help. the next meeting is April 12th. So, if any of you have topics important to your floor lets discuss it.
Chairman Gonzales: If there is a need greater for SI’s than lab techs. Up until last week, the Wednesday and Thursday session have only 1 lab tech. Could you ask if that need can be met.
Chairman Drebot: A lot of people on my floor are frustrated about the school’s communication. One student did not know there was Math Lab for his class.
Senator Hofer: Specifically with math lab, ask if teachers can encourage students to attend.
Senator Berry: You can also get tutors from online Tutor Tack. There is probably a tutor for most classes.
PPT Moyes: I am raising my hand for former Senator Willis.
Former Senator Willis: Man, I miss you guys and LeTourneau. I just wanted to check in. I am off today to visit family. I sent an email about 6 days ago and have not heard back, so wanted to ask about an update.
Chairman Gonzales: Respectfully, email me directly and I will address this.
VP Avent: We are working on it but there are roadblocks.
Senator Ko: Motion to recess.
Chairman Crowder: A student and I talked and you as senator can help encourage – I know some dorms do floor shirt Fridays. If you want to keep doing those things to encourage floor activity that would be good.
Senator Hofer: Motion to adjourn.
Senator Allen: Move for a division of the house.
Meeting Recessed 11:48