Session of September 14, 2023
September 4, 2023
Minutes Recorded by: Francis Ko
Visitor(s): Carter Horton, David Mellili, Maxim Keyes
Call to Order at 11:05 AM
Senator prays
Roll Called
Minutes approved at 11:07
Committee Reports:
Chairman Robinson: There's ice cream. I don't know. 4 to 5
Special Business:
YAC presents their budget.
VP Byrne: Anyone resigning?
Old Business:
VP Byrne: Well, we're in a pickle for a minute since we just lost the projector.
Chairman Ko: Motion to bring a bill to the floor
Club funding Bill of Fall 2023 brought to the floor
Chairman Ko: Is women's rugby inside the men's rugby budget, or will we hear from them separately
PPT Farmer: They are in the list of clubs that did not submit a budget, so we are going to take that and going
Club Funding Bill of Fall 2023 passes
Chairman Ko: Motion to bring a bill to the floor
YAC Automatic Allocation Bill brought to the floor
YAC Automatic Allocation Bill passes
New Business:
PPT Farmer: I was looking at the constitution, and I want to get a 2/3 vote on temporarily suspending Article X Sections A, B ,and C of the constitution. They revolve around VP Byrne doing all the Senate orientation, so we just want to have him be able to have some flexibility there.
Motion to suspend selected sections passes
VP Byrne: We passed club funding, so now we get the emails. There is ice cream at 4.
Senator Osburne: Where's the gavel?
Chairman Ko: I'll take care of it.
Open Forum:
Citizen Max: What is the status of the water fountains in Tyler Hall?
Chairman Robinson: We had our first committee meeting yesterday, and we are kind of under the authority of what facilities can do. We are hoping to get something out of it though! We probably aren't going to get the ones with the sensors since they require a lot of installation work and money.
Motion to recess.
Meeting recessed at 11:20