Session of October 21st, 2021

October 21st, 2021

Minutes Recorded by: McKenzie Craycraft, Secretary

Visitors: David Erikson, Stephan Foster, Quinn Sukhia, Joseph Ryan, Nathan Bergman

Call to Order at 11:06 AM

Senator Bright prays

Roll Called

Minutes Approved at 11:10

Officer Reports

VP Avent: I am announcing and returning the power to PPT

PPT Moyes: Thank you for giving my powers back. Thank you for asking about floor emails and summarizing them. Add me as a recipient to your floor emails.

Committee Reports

Chairman Edwards: We are amending things, I have sent out the bylaws, we must wait 10 days to vote on this. We have a lot of stuff going on, I hope to debate on this next week. We are putting a major cap on how to amend. Please bring questions next week.

Chairman Crowder: With student life committee, last night we had a meeting, there is a lot of projects that we are doing on campus. A few things we are working on is getting a printer for the nurses’ building. We are looking into the ASC music, we are looking into Saga to see if cash is available, we are looking into BBQ sauce, opening the patio, and trying to get a TV for the Hive so the food numbers can be displayed. We are following up on Haven, we are trying to see if the library could honor her. We could do something to honor her. Friday ice cream is happening, we will do chocolate favor. We are trying to extend floor snack funding. We are trying to support y’all with more snacks and Halloween themed candy.

Chairman Allen: FAC just a reminder, if anyone comes to you with funding request have them contact me and any FAC members and we can do things.

Chairman Moore: The punching bag is in and installed. We are lacking a student center sticker. As of yesterday, south field has been aerated. Here in the next day, I will go over to see if it looks good or if we need sand.

Chairman Willis: PR&R the semester is winding down and up, we are finishing things out with the Buzzword. We are making a logo for it. I will not be here next semester. I do hope to have some people to take over the buzzword. If you are interested, please do so.

Senator Gonzalez: PR&R, can you bring up the website? We have an archive now. You can find things here. If you are interested in helping let me know.

Special Business

VP Avent: We will be swearing in new senators Lounsbury and Emerson.

PPT Moyes: I will discuss with y’all about what committees you can be joining.

VP Avent: We have received a thank you note from BAJA racing. TFO will be meeting next week, if we can quickly bring up what we will be presenting to them that way we can deliver to them.

PPT Moyes: We should discuss what the professors think about the shortened semester.

Senator Bright: I have on my list on majors that we have and more questions about them. Do we have specific questions?

Chairman Allen: Keep it general, I have not heard specifically of majors if we keep it general, we can get the ball rolling.

VP Avent: As far as things being added, master’s in cyber security would be good.

Senator Bright: The only other things on the list are class policies. I forgot who brought it up, can you clarify that please?

VP Avent: That was more that I have heard from them about what they are interested in. I just wanted to see what our thoughts were on that.

Senator Berry: Some students have complained about online submissions or WebAssign and Chem 101, these website wants the things very specifically.

Old Business

Senator Eaton: Is there a size sheet for the polos?

VP Avent: As soon as I get that in excel after this session, I will send it out.

Chairman Willis: Do you think we could have polos by the end of the semester?

VP Avent: I am not going to say I understand anything about supply chain right now. From what I hear anything from China we won’t get in the next year unless it’s in the water right now.

New Business

Senator Bright: I motion to bring the Rugby Opportunity bill of fall 2021 to the floor.


PPT Moyes: Why was the number $1500, that would support 12.5 students

Senator Bright: $1500 was the number I received from the person who reached out.

Citizen Sukhia: A lot of students can’t afford it, I just picked it just seemed like it would cover a lot of players.

Senator Drebot: Will any of this go back to reimbursing the coach?

Citizen Sukhia: Yes, let’s do it.

Senator Hill: Is this pay for some of their scholarship?

Citizen Sukhia: Yes, it will cover some or all of their scholarship.

Senator Hofer: I think it would be good to change the value to be even.

Senator Eaton: Given that ruby was given money earlier how is this different?

Citizen Sukhia: I don’t know about that, but I do know it is not right for the coach to pay out of their own pocket.

Senator Hill: They do not have to pay the full, but it would pay for part of it. Responding to Eaton, the bill was for equipment to be used. That was not used in the actual funding of the club.

Chairman Willis: There are good points of discussion, but we do have 4 more bills to get through. We do have a lot of money; I wouldn’t get mixed up about $20.

Senator Rubingh: I motion to bring to a vote

Bill approved

Chairman Allen: I motion to bring auto society funding bill of fall 2021 to the floor.

Senator Bright: I motion to bring to a vote.


Bill approved

Senator Eaton: I motion to bring Gaga ball pit construction project of fall 2021 bill to the floor.

PPT Moyes: Where will this built?

Citizen Bergman: It will be in our backyard; it can be deconstructed.

Chairman Willis: Question regarding bill, what is the upkeep will it be taken care of AO?

Citizen Bergman: If it breaks, we can fix it, it isn’t ours, but we can fix it. I cannot promise we will have people invested in it.

Chairman Willis: It will get complicated quickly if we have to get it approved through facilities. It will be difficult enough to get it in the system. It can be the responsibility of AO.

Senator Gonzalez: In the interest of time, I motion to table this until next week.

Chairman Allen: Division of house

Bill is tabled

Chairman Willis: Motion to bring Opinion Data Gathering Bill of Fall of 2021 bill to the floor. During open forum I would like to know questions for this survey.

Senator Rubingh: Finical coercion is a tried-and-true survey method.

Chairman Allen: Given that works, I motion to bring this bill to a vote.


Bill approved

Senator Gonzalez: I motion to bring the TOTOCS funding bill to the floor.

Senator Bright: I move to bring to a vote.


Bill approved


VP Avent: Dr. Caldwell is coming next week.

Chairman Crowder: Ice cream, we have different flavors. We are doing an ice cream run at 5:45.

President Ryan: On the 6th there is an inauguration at the arboretum. They need people to help drive golf carts. If you are interested email Luke or me.

Chairman Willis: When you send out your floor emails, please share that Dr. Caldwell will be in session next week. If they are concerned with the library funding the provost plays a large roll. Student senate along with student life will write an article about this.

Open Forum

Chairman Allen: The auto society has reached out, there lift is not working well. The lift in general does not support a lot of cars on campus. FAC is looking into funding the new lift.

Chairman Willis: About the opinion survey look at the open forum from last semester. Please reach out and let me know any questions.

PPT Moyes: If you have any interest in spiritual life, spiritual life is hiring a group to research in a similar manner. We want to try to coordinate data.

Senator Branch: Motion recess.


Meeting Recessed 11:52