Session of October 7th, 2021

October 7, 2021

Minutes Recorded by: McKenzie Craycraft, Secretary


Call to Order at 11:04 AM

Senator Shaughnessy prays

Roll Called

Minutes Approved at 11:08

Officer Reports

PPT Moyes: Floor emails, please send these out and communicate. I have sent out a template. You should be in the group for that. It has a blank one and an example. It will save you a lot of work. If you have a lot of people on your floor, split the work. If you do floor meetings, take a screenshot or something I need to know that you are meeting with your floor. There will be a meeting this Friday at 7:00 in Longview hall. Please let me know if you can’t be there. It is required for committee chairs.

Sgt. Edwards: I want to highlight something from the former PTT LaQuey, I looked up to the fact that he knew he was going to be replaced. As a leader, he made a point to meet the people behind him and give advice. It may not be on your radar; I am halfway through my final semester that it is of extreme value of what time you have left. Make connections and give advice. Write a letter to send of your office so there is a record of what the roles mean to us.

Committee Reports

Chairman Crowder: Student life committee, thank you sgt. Edwards for your advice. It is important to help others. We have been working on the nurses’ printers. We are looking into getting them a printer. We are looking into reorganizing the freezer. We may have to move the old freezer. The snacks, I hope your floors enjoyed this. I know there were some issues. If you have any questions, please come to me after. Please talk to me after as I would like to inform you about this opportunity.

Chairman Moore: ARC south field will be leveled and aerated. They will do that as soon as rugby has a break. We can top the field if we purchase the sand they will do the work. It took $1,890 last year. If senate would like to do that that will take care of this year. They would sand the field at the end of the semester next semester.

Chairman Willis: PR&R our committee is meeting less often. Senator Gonzalez is keeping up with the website. Senator Ko is working on the Hvz. We are working on the posters and will have them up in 5 different locations. Senator smith is working with our committee. We are working on different tasks. We published our 10th article, and we have 600 visitors on the website. We have 1,400 traditional students. People are going there. If you want to get your own article out there you can. As part of our corporations with YAC, we have been working with Blake Everett and have a YAC page. We share some of their upcoming events.

Chairman Allen: It is spooky month they can rent them and get spooky stuff.

Chairman Edwards: GoPro, we are untangling the mess of our constitution and bylaws. Our main goal is understanding the treasure. We have been meeting with several people.

Special Business

VP Avent: We have senators to swear in.

Willsea, McKurtis and Wilson sworn in to senate.

PPT Moyes: After session, please come to me and we can talk about committees.

Old Business


New Business

Senator Eaton: The agenda lists the punching bag?

Chairman Willis: We have to go-ahead, we just need to buy the bag, we just need to get it an put it in there

Senator Bright: I move to nominate the ARC to purchase


Chairman Allen: You could buy it on Amazon, and it would be tax free.

Senator Berry: We passed the bill it was a month and a half ago. Why is it taking so long?

Chairman Crowder: The issue was we were communicating with the wrong people. We are now in communication with them.

Chairman Allen: Don’t forget to give us the numbers of the price.

Senator Eaton: Please give me a picture of the receipt.

Senator Shaughnessy: Motion to bring bill BAJA Sponsorship Bill of Fall 2021 to the floor


Senator Bright: How much was allocated to them under the original club bill?

Charmian Allen: $0

Chairman Willis: Is this number taking into account giving them more this semester and less next or is this the same across both?

Chairman Allen: This is the number they requested thinking about the specific car. This is the number they came up with, so they don’t have to fund raise $7,000. This doesn’t reflect what we could give them next semester. So, we can have a regular amount to give them across 3-4 semesters.

Senator Bright: How much is in the account?

Senator Eaton: $30,000 that is not allocated at all.

Senator Rubingh: What is the amount we would give next semester?

Chairman Allen: We don’t know yet. They need to raise $7,000 to finish the car. They have a lot planned, but we have more next semester.

Senator Bright: Keeping in mind that we are giving them money. We should see if they are responsible with their funding I move to bring this to a vote.


Bill approved


Chairman Crowder: Friday ice cream it will be happening this Friday from 4:00-5:00. If you are able to make it please let me know. This week we will do cookies and cram and vanilla. I think that is it. Please come at 3:45 to help set up.

Chairman Moore: Did we remember to get dairy free ice cream?

Senator Hofer: We don’t have it this week, we had too much ice cream last week, we will get that next week.

VP Avent: Joe & Co, next Saturday there is the grill out. There was discussion of senate serving ice cream during that event. I said I wasn’t sure and I would see. It is tentative, on the 28th, Dr. Caldwell will come and speak to us. If you have something you would like to discuss, talk to your floors and see. He is the provost he controls the academics .

Chairman Willis: Everyone can write for the Buzz Word. There is the one on the bell tower, there are thoughts on why Joe Ryan is better than Joe Biden.

Chairman Crowder: The bell tower is exactly on time; it has been fixed. It is accurate. If you hear it go off you are late to class.

PPT Moyes: Having been at the bell tower it is not exactly accurate. The hands are not right.

Senator Bright: After talking to the office in Glaske, the next teacher meeting is October 26. As a senate we will put together our key points and your floors have something let us know.

Open Forum

Senator Eaton: I meant to bring this up in old business.

Senator Hofer: Please don’t talk to anyone about the time. It is not a problem that needs to be fixed.

VP Avent: Some people really want it fixed and some don’t

Senator Berry: At 10 the bell did ring on time; we do need to have a talk to facilities we need to get on them about fixing the sidewalk. I fell off my long board.

Chairman Willis: We should take a trip to the bell tower. Regarding the rebar, we could put pool noodles over it.

Senator Branch: We should put soil over it so you trip on that.

VP Avent: Contacting facilities is a good idea, they are very difficult to get a good discussion with.

Chairman Moore: Facilities just got three new people

Chairman Willis: Since none of us can submit a report what if we contacted an RD or Dean Steve and submit a ticket to facilities.

Senator Hofer: I motion to refer to the student life committee.

Senator Bright: To spare the second I would like to communicate with them

Senator Berry: Now we have a plan for rebar, what is our plan for the big cracks in the sidewalk?

Chairman Crowder: Where are these cracks? I am aware of the ones by the bell tower.

Senator Berry: There are some on the road to the Glaske to the bell tower. I can put them on a map

Chairman Allen: There is a bad one by Tyler Hall only on the right side.

Senator Branch: If you pass the U there is a big crack and you can easily die.

PPT Moyes: Considering this a big issue I would like to suggest having senator Bright email about the rebar, the cracks, we should refer to student life to figure out who to talk to.

Chairman Willis: I also think locations for crack. I nominate senator Berry as your crack expert.


VP Avent: Some are wondering if fall break should be Thursday, Friday instead of Monday, Tuesday.

Senator Branch: I have three labs on Friday.

Senator Berry: I think it would make more sense to have Thursday Friday, you could do stuff on Friday with your friends.

Senator Rubingh: Aviation students would have to make up labs. They are not allowed to skip Friday or Thursday. I know in the past they just do the lab.

Senator Brown: Now one likes Monday or Tuesday.

PPT Moyes: We should consider part of the consideration is also faculty. The problem is designed a a half week. It can cause them to lose a week.

Senator Branch: What if different majors had different fall break?

Chairman Willis: Different topic, relating the buzz app, Hannah Eisen is now in charge of it. Part of the chaos is due to the fact she wasn’t in charge, and no one was. If you have any questions, contact Hannah. That includes if you are a club leader.

Chairman Allen: Going back to the days, having a fall break on Monday and Tuesday means that jazz band only gets a few days to practice.

Senator Hofer: Taking that in mind I motion that we recess.

Meeting Recessed 11:50