Session of September 23rd, 2021

September 23, 2021

Minutes Recorded by: McKenzie Craycraft, Secretary

Visitors: Stephan Foster

Call to Order at 11:02 AM

Senator Drebot prays

Roll Called

Approval of the Minutes

Officer Reports:

PPT Moyes: Please get bills into me and the president 24 hours in advance. If you have an absence and let me know.

Srgt Edwards: Motion to add Gonzalez to the roll call

Committee Reports

Chairman Crowder: Homecoming just finished up, the left-over ice cream did not make it. We now have an opportunity to go get more ice creaming. I will leave around 2:00 pm. We have people delegated to talk about ASC music choices. About the mask situation, that is still being addressed. The new freezer is here, but the old one turned back on.

Senator Edwards: For PR&R we are working on building hours to put on the website. There was a punching bag bill for the ASC. We are going to motion to send it to the student life committee.

Chairman Willis: PR&R could you bring up the senator page. I want it to look more user friendly.

Sgt. Edwards: GoPro, I am not making a promise when I say this, but we want to write a new constitution. It would be a confusing process, but we want to break it up into small parts. We can bring in other leadership.

Special Business

PPT Moyes: I would like to move senator Fuentes to another committee.

Old Business:

Chairman Willis: For the punching bag, I emailed several people. I move to have this moved to the student life committee

Senator Rubingh: I call for a division of the house

All in favor of moving to the student life committee.

The Nays have it

PPT Moyes: Please remember we need to have someone in charge of contacting those people. That person should be on the committee. I do not know who the current person is.

Senator Eaton: Motion to refer to the ARC committee.

Chairman Allen: Would we like to bring up the TFO in old business or should we talk about that now?

Chairman Allen: I motion to appoint senator Berry as the representative.

VP Avent: We would motion to appoint someone.


Chairman Willis: Would the president and speaker chair like to explain this position?

VP Avent: It is faculty senate, they would like to work with us on things. They would like someone to go to their meetings once a month and bring an agenda.

Senator Branch: I would like to nominate Senator Berry.

Senator Berry: Yes.

Senator Rubingh: When are the meetings?

VP Avent: 11-12 on Tuesdays.

Senator Rubingh: I nominate Hofer.

Senator Hofer: I absolutely can not.

Senator Crowder: I would like to nominate senator Shaughnessy.

Senator Shaughnessy: My schedule is busy.

Senator Branch: Could we send two?

VP Avent: We could send two. We do not have to send one person.

Senator Eaton: I think having multiple people fill this role would not be good.

VP Avent: We could have the academic specialist do it.

Chairman Crowder: I would like to nominate Willis.

Chairman Willis: I accept the nomination.

Senator Eaton: Did Shaughnessy accept?

Senator Shaughnessy: If I could know the meeting time that would be helpful.

VP Avent: I think they meet Tuesdays at 11:00.

PPT Moyes: Motion to table until we have more information. What is the status of the letter?

VP Avent: It is not a dying issue; I will make an announcement in open forum.

Chairman Allen: Point of information EMS is down at the moment.

Senator Crowder: Considering that EMS is down, call Ms. Lane and she will help you. I do not know about the status of the great room. The rooms are becoming more available. Heath Hardwick is also available. It closes about 10:30, Longview Hall closes at 12:00.

Chairman Willis: I have finished collected data for the SSSS. I will be presenting some of my findings.

New Business

Chairman Willis: Motion to bring Club Funding Bill of fall 2021 to the floor

VP Avent: Gabe Willis?

VP Avent: Do you have a copy of this?

Chairman Willis: I am working on getting up on the website.

Senator Bright: How much do we have in our account right now.

Chairman Allen: The exact balance is unknown, after this number is pulled there will still be $30,000

Senator Eaton: It should be about $30,023 left in the account after the clubs funding.

Chairman Willis: The website should have it now, what is the Pre-health club?

Chairman Allen: It is a club that invites medical professional and have volunteer events they do a lot of fundraising a semester. With everything starting again them requesting more was reasonable.

Chairman Crowder: In the piece of legislation there is a club called SWE. Why does it have $0 allocated to it.

Senator Eaton: The society of women engineers. They have $0 because there they have enough funds to pay for things twice, they are still requesting $500.

Senator Vincy: Why does WARS club have $2000?

Chairman Allen: The wars club got $2000 because they have a high attendance. During that they got a lot of things that are a one-time purchase such as safety equipment.

Senator Hill: Why is the prolife club so high and why do they need so much money?

Citizen Willis: It goes to volunteering, they do volunteering in Huston and Austin. They do fundraise. All that money is going towards fundraising. They are able to have fun and learn a lot. All the student fundraising going towards helping. Why the cooking club got more than that is the real question.

VP Avent: Why is the cooking club getting $1200?

Chairman Allen: This has been a thing for a while, they did not have any professional equipment. Their goal is to help students to follow a recipe, a lot of these expenses are cooking equipment at lot of their funds were for ingredients. They meet twice a week. We cut that in half and got that number. They meet every two weeks.

Chairman Willis: I motion to bring this to a vote.

Bill approved


Chairman Crowder: Tomorrow we will be having ice cream. From 4-5. We are doing the snack run today. We will get new syrup and toppings. We might get blue bell. We are trying a few things.

Senator Hofer: The ice cream run. Please come and help. There is a lot of ice cream, and it is nice to have same help

Chairman Willis: It is fun to spend other people’s money. Just as a reminder, you are welcome to write for the buzz word.

VP Avent: The letter was delivered last Thursday. I met with him yesterday. He seems receptive of the letter. Dean Conn is on a lot of the stuff, some of the spiritual life stuff is in the department of Dr. Mays. Someone for the stuff he is happy to see some of that progressing. He is happy to come in later this semester. He thinks rotating members would be great. When the gov process does the constitution he would be willing to look over it. He wanted to point out that he appreciated the focus on prayer, there is a weekly prayer that are part of his three-year plan. Are there any other announcements?

Open Forum

PPT Moyes: Where are on the LETU site would we find that?

VP Avent: It is on his page. I am planning on sending the links.

Dean Conn: Look up strategic plan.

PPT Moyes: As discussed earlier, we were going to look at appointing a representative.

VP Avent: Someone can bring that up. Its 11-12 either Tuesday or Thursday.

Chairman Willis: I motion to bring up again


VP Avent: It is either Tuesday or Thursday. You will be excused.

Senator Naranjo: Does senator Shaughnessy accept?

Senator Bright: I motion to bring to a vote by a tally on the bored.

Chairman Crowder: I would like to nominate senator Vincy.

Senator Vincy: I accept if it’s on Thursdays.

Chairman Allen: Should we have the nominees present themselves.

President Ryan: I nominate Senator Bright

Senator Bright: I accept.

Chairman Willis: I so nominate Senator Bright on Ryan's behalf (since I don't think the President can nominate).

Senator Bright elected to the position

Meeting Recessed 11:52 AM