Session Of November 5th, 2020
November 5, 2020
Minutes Recorded by: McKenzie Craycraft, Secretary
Call to Order at 11:13 AM
Senator Moyes prays
Roll Called
Approval of Minutes
Minutes approved at 11:18 AM
Officer Reports
Committee Reports
Senator Anderson: FAC committee we met on Wednesday and senator Taylor will have a bill for the floor.
Chairman Willis: Student life committee, for the substance snack bill we will be getting snacks for the senators’ floors. Most floors want chips and gummies. We will assume that floors want chips and gummies. I will find each of you and give you snacks some how. We were thinking that based on your knowledge of your floor you should be able to decide where you should keep the snacks. Keep them in your senate room and you can share with them. Besides that, for the gift cards, my committee as well as the chairman committee has decided instead of paying someone $8 to deliver an $8 meal, we could have a certain day, where senate can pick up and drop food off. That way we don’t have to pay someone. We will get more food and it’s easier to manage. Feel free to reach out about this.
Senator Willis: Additionally, my email with Jake Hall has been successful and we are back on the Buzz app. Ownership is going to VP, PPT, and chairman Willis and PR&R. You are also buzz app admins.
Senator Gowing: For governmental process we will be working this Thursday on an amendment that has been requested. We are going to get quizzes for prospective candidates. We will be requiring that student body presidents go through one term in student government. I have some other recommendations. I will get into those at open forum.
Special Business
Old Business
New Business
Senator Taylor: Motion to bring bill ISN Food Discretionary Bill of fall 2020 to the floor
Senator Avent: Motion to bring to a vote
Bill Approved
Senator Avent: Motion to refer to Dean Conn as Dean Scott
VP Murphy: All in favor, the nays have it, it is shot down
Senator Gowing: The fire tornado bill will be here next week.
VP Murphy: The last senate session, dress code is suspended. Please wear clothes though.
Chairman Willis: Seeing as finals are coming, student life is going to bring about super ice cream. It will be like ice cream but super. For the next two ice creams creams we will be at the student center. Moving it across campus may cause a tear in space time.
Open Forum
Senator Gowing: As I mentioned, I have a suggestion, regarding the presidential candidates, require a certain number of sessions presents for each branch of student government. We get someone who has been present at all three branches.
Dean Scott (Conn): Just for conversation and thought on this bill, I recognize the value of people being involved, however, think about other ways you can be involved in another student leadership such as being an RA. They often invest in other ways.
VP Murphy: IMPCAT leadership is a big part of this. It has been for the last five presidencies that they don’t have any experience in how senate runs. They have a veto power. They are responsible for every piece of legislation. No president has understood those processes. It has been the job of the senate to explain how senate works. An important part of this is knowing how senate runs. They need to know how our process works.
Chairman Willis: I believe we all have a respect for people who decide to serve, people are choosing where they want to lead. Different positions have their own benefits. RA and PA are paid, senators and chairman and YAC and LSM are all volunteer. Understanding student government, it makes more sense to choose your leadership positions. That should factor into your original decision.
PPT LaQuey: This discussion is based around two issues, we want to make sure they are able to do their job and know how to use different branches of student government. We cannot exclude a significant group of this organization.
Senator Dittman: I don’t know this for sure, but we make it public of when, where and what time senate meets but, I have never head of the LSM meetings or the YAC meetings. You are making this a requirement and we don’t know where it is. We need to make sure this I accessible for everyone. We don’t know what time LSM or YAC meet. No one really knows how to get in.
Senator Gowing: In a few sessions someone may not get the small details of how something operates. It only took me two session to get an understanding of senate. We want them to know have some understanding, just because there is a bill for it doesn’t mean it will go through.
Senator Taylor: I am curious why we wanting to do this, why not have a training program? Why do we require that for our groups?
VP Murphy: I can say that for going through the whole training, would follow under the rules of Dr. Morgan. No such training has existed. It has been student depend. That didn’t happen well this year. As of now it is depended on the student passing it on clearly.
Senator Avent: 2 ideas, having requirements to see if they have a general level of ability. It seems like getting those requirements can be difficult. I think unfortunately it operates off of who you know. I think it might be good if we could make it more about having skill and experience. I do not think it is unreasonable to get some volunteer experience, but it should be attainable.
Senator Bright: Going on what Senator Taylor said I don’t see why this needs to be an either or, the lack of training is an issue either way. That is something we can address with them.
Senator Anderson: I think it is a noble calling to be apart in leadership on this campus. As a senator or RA. As it pertains to the higher offices, it is essential that we have people in office who have experience. If you feel called to be a leader on campus there are a lot of ways you can grow about that. Bouncing off of what senator Avent was talking about, we need to help people get involved.
VP Murphy: I can bring this up directly with Dr. Morgan. I will bring this up to YAC and LSM about the effectiveness of communication about meetings. Senate can help with that communication.
Senator Gowing: Motion to table this matter for the future.
Senator Gowing: Can I call for a division of the house?
All in favor: 7
All against 4
VP Murphy: This is tabled.
Senator Gonzalez: How are we going to go about super ice cream?
Chairman Willis: I thought that was pretty self-explanatory. We have a lot of money in the budget still.
Senator Anderson: If you spend the rest of the funds in the budget, we will have a serious talk.
Chairman Willis: I thought we could by some nicer ice cream, we will get some nicer ice cream. We will want to have some nicer toppings and we want to do something special with ice cream.
Senator Growing: Motion to reflect in the minutes that the wonderful is in air quotes.
Senator Anderson: I call for a division of the house
All in favor: 5 all against: 7
Senator McClain: Please get to the other locations at the beginning of the semester so they don’t feel left out.
Senator Gowing: motion to adjourn
Senator Anderson: second
Senator Avent: I call for a division of the house
Senator Anderson: I call for a division of the house
Meeting adjourned.
Meeting Adjourned at 11:48 AM