Session of February 6, 2025
February 6, 2025
Minutes Recorded by: Francis Ko
Visitor(s): President Kaleb Robinson, Dr. Conn
Call to Order at 11:11 AM
President Robinson prays
Roll Called
Minutes Approved 11:13AM
PPT Farmer: IMPACT applications are due tomorrow, so we might have a finalized list soon.
Chairman Smith: 17 clubs submitted a budget. We're at 15K, so we'll have to cut it.
Chairman Zobroski: Ice cream this Friday, 3:50 if y'all want to help out
Chairman Kushner: I have an interview with YAC president, but I still need to schedule the others.
Special Business:
LSM presents their budget.
VP Hancock: Once again, IMPACT positions are open ... a lot of them, so get your applications in.
Old Business:
New Business:
Automatic Allocation Bill and Additional Allocation Bills for YAC and LSM brought up.
Automatic Allocation Bill and Additional Allocation Bills for YAC and LSM passes.
SHIRT Bill brought up
Chairman Smith: Why 1200?
Senator Chandler: I didn't get a good number of the amount of people we're buying for.
Senator Chandler: I think it's around $600 for 52 people although sizing might affect things.
Chairman Zobroski: The remainder should go back anyway.
Chairman Ko: Although it is nice to have a better ballpark estimate
VP Hancock reads from Student Life Update email and checks Executive Calendar
Open Forum:
Chairman Kusher: Just curious, if we apply to an IMPACT position but we're not sure, would there still be a chance to say no or are we locked into it?
Dr. Conn: This is America
Senator Hammers: I'm partnering with Walmart and Development to see if we can get more furniture and other stuff for the room.
VP Hancock: If anyone's seen my student ID outside while walking out, please text me
Senator Chandler: What's the reward?
Dr. Conn: Price of a new id card is $10.
VP Hancock: I do have a ten dollar bill in my wallet, but I obviously don't want to spend that. One meal swipe?
Senator Chandler: No flex?
VP Hancock: No flex
Chairman Ko: Didn't you have over $300 in flex last semester?
VP Hancock: Yeah, but that was because I was depressed and not eating. Now my anti-depressants are working too well, so y'all can't have any flex
Session recessed at 11:33.