Session of February 27, 2025
February 27, 2025
Minutes Recorded by: Francis Ko
Visitor(s): Dr. Con6
Call to Order at 11:05 AM
Senator Gernenz prays
Roll Called
Minutes Approved 11:09AM
PPT Farmer: The PPT elections are next week.
Chairman Zobroski: Ice cream - 3:50PM if you want to help out
Chairman Ko: We need people to fill out PRNR duties next year like taking minutes
VP Hancock: You get paid
Chairman Kushner: Elections are done
VP Hancock: Speaking of elections, if you voted, you might have noticed that there wasn't an option for VP. Technically, the only person eligible right now is Zobroski, but if anyone else is interested, we might be able to talk.
VP Hancock: Oh I forgot to mention to you (Zobroski) that you also have to get on stage twice.
Chairman Kushner: We just need the engineers to make you a hologram to go in your place like Hatsune Miku
VP Hancock: Yes, let's have Hatsune Miku as the VP
Special Business:
Old Business:
New Business:
STICKERS Bill brought up
STICKERS Bill passes
COOLER Bill brought up
COOLER Bill passes
Club STUFF brought up
VP Hancock: Francis, do you know how much a trash can costs?
Senator Hammers: Like are we talking about those little office trash cans or something bigger?
Chairman Ko: Somewhere in the middle. I forgot the gallon size but the ones around the student center should be affordable size-wise.
VP Hancock: Yeah as someone considering how to furnish an apartment, trash cans are surprisingly expensive. Y'all won't catch me dropping $50 on plastic
COOLER Bill passes
VP Hancock: Announcements ... there's a casino night and there was a relationship class.
Chairman Ko: Oh by the way, the picture for the relationship class was made by AI
VP Hancock: Oh wow... that's pretty funny. We also have the big Executive Cabinet Spring Formal this Saturday
Senator Marzett: Do I need a date to go to the formal?
VP Hancock: Brother, you need to get some
VP Hancock: The big thing is the Executive Cabinet Spring Formal needs volunteers to tear down the event at the end
VP Hancock proceeds to get volunteers.
Open Forum:
Senator Hammers: Does anyone know of any external tutoring service for math?
Senator Khalifa: There's one called WyzeAnt that my brother used for physics.
Senator Hammers: Another thing... how would you feel if I just started hanging out in the women's dorms. Hold on ... there's a point to this. The Veterans Lounge has gotten great feedback, but we still want that space to be for veterans and guests of veterans. Y'all have dorm lounges and a whole student center, so we just want to communicate that better. Any suggestions?
VP Hancock: There aren't too many options. If I remember one time, only 200 people only read the email I look at every session.
Chairman Ko: I think a printed piece of paper stating that on the door is the most direct option.
Dr. Conn: Election results are in, and everyone you expected to win won. Zack Farris actually got 15% of the votes, but that could be because of the comparatively low turnout. We also have Senate positions to consider.
PPT Farmer: So if you know anybody that might be interested, they need to be here next week for PPT, and the week after for Chairs.
Session recessed at 11:36.