Session of February 20, 2025
February 20, 2025
Minutes Recorded by: Francis Ko
Call to Order at 11:05 AM
Senator Gernenz prays
Roll Called
Minutes Approved 11:07AM
Chairman Zobroski: Ice cream this Friday, 3:50 if y'all want to help out
Senator Chandler: We have interviewed the candidates and will cancel the debates since they are all unopposed. We are still considering whether to have them collect signatures.
Special Business:
Old Business:
New Business:
PPT Farmer: I could check the calendar, but I don't really care.
Open Forum:
Chairman Ko: I think we should have candidates collect signatures so they can have visibility.
PPT Farmer: When would they be due? Elections start Monday.
Chairman Ko: Good point, it's probably too late. Can we agree to make signatures required all years even if they are unopposed?
Senator Chandler: I talked to Jason's special lady and she gave me some quotes, I think that we might still reach out with Global Graphics.
Chairman Ko: I liked the furniture in the Veteran's Lounge by the way.
Session recessed at 11:14.