Session on January 30, 2025
January 30, 2025
Minutes Recorded by: Francis Ko
Visitor(s): President Kaleb Robinson, Dr. Conn
Call to Order at 11:06 AM
PPT Farmer prays
Roll Called
Minutes Approved 11:09AM
PPT Farmer: Just waiting on updates from Leeland and Kushner to see how many people to "voluntell" to help with interviews.
Chairman Smith: We've got one budget and they're due Wednesday.
Chairman Zobroski: Ice cream at 3:50
Chairman Kushner: I don't have anything scheduled, but I'll get more details on that Friday.
Special Business:
Senators Hefley, Reeve, and Riccio sworn in.
Senator Hammers: We should make a karaoke version of the oath.
President Robinson presents executive cabinet budget.
President Robinson presents YAC budget.
Old Business:
New Business:
VP Hancock presents options for Senate t-shirts.
VP Hancock: Pink is not an option.
Senator Dempsey: What are the materials?
Senator Chandler: 35% Cotton, 65% Polyester
VP Hancock: The one you're referring to is cream, not white. I'm not going to argue colors with a man.
VP Hancock: Wow I'm surprised that's so popular.
Senator Dempsey: I'm having trouble deciding. How many girls are in the audience? Would you prefer it if a guy wears cream or blue?
Senator Chandler (male): I like gray.
Senator Dempsey: Not who I as asking
Senators vote for blue
PPT Farmer: We'll present a bill next buying them in bulk.
VP Hancock: Here's a calendar. The White Out is today. The one coming up is "How to Date," I know a lot of y'all need that.
VP Hancock: The last update from me is that I finished my blanket and it's posted on TikTok.
VP Hancock proceeds to show TikTok.
President Robinson: Good song choice.
VP Hancock: We also put up the duck camera, but it isn't working.
Chairman Smith: This Saturday is the Short Track Shootout. There will be free burgers.
VP Hancock: I also have an insider from facilities who has been feeding the ducks. I asked him about the duck house we supposedly have, but apparently we do not have one.
VP Hancock: Someone asked about the water fountains. I still need to confirm it, but I believe the are slated for the summer, so it sucks to suck seniors.
Open Forum:
President Robinson: I was talking and heard that they are still taking suggestions for things to put in the new CPU building. One idea was that we might put a slide there, so what do y'all think about that?
VP Hancock: As long as it is covered so that people aren't as tempted to climb up the slide, I'm good.
Session recessed at 11:31.