Session on January 16, 2025

January 16, 2025

Minutes Recorded by: Francis Ko


Call to Order at 11:02 AM

Chairman Ko prays

Roll Called

Minutes Approved 11:04AM


PPT Farmer: If you want to help with elections, come volunteer or I'll be drawing names out of a hat to help complete an interview. If you volunteer as tribute that's fantastic

Chairman Ko: The main web person at LETU was very gracious in making the foundations of a website for us. I was supposed to work on it during the break, but I procrastinated. We'll focus on growing that along with Kaleb's calendar initiative.

Chairman Smith: New semester new club funding, so tell everyone you know. We'll need help in the coming weeks and please make sure everyone knows about the deadlines.

Chairman Zoboroski: Ice cream is still at 3:50, come show up and help if you want.

VP Hancock: Elections are coming up soon once again, so keep on the lookout for updates.

Special Business:

Sarah Kushner nominated to Chair of Governmental Processes

Leeland Chandler designated as co-chair

Old Business:

New Business:

Ice Cream Bill brought up.

Ice Cream Bill passes.

Short Track Shootout Bill brought up.

Senator Dempsey: What kind of karts are these?

Senator Byrne: All the kinds that are raced at the school go kart races.

Senator Dempsey: Can we change this to VP Hancock 'must' be on a kart?

VP Hancock: Unlike most of y'all I have a real job as well. I need a date/time to see if I can go.

Senator Byrne: February 1st

VP Hancock: That works

Short Track Shootout Bill passes.

YJR Sponsorship Bill brought up.

Senator Byrne: As of right now the Student Life Dept is working to President Mason to bolster up a few clubs to go out and spread the good news of LeTourneau. This is what I describe as the close to last huzzah of the YJR club. 

Chairman Smith: God I hope so

Senator Byrne: The funds will be used to fully outfit our karts and even donate some to other clubs to other student organizations. There will be a lot of changes in the future, and we're hoping to fabricate our own frames.

Senator Dempsey: Can I see a budget?

Senator Byrne: I can't show one at the moment but the cost of upkeep for this kind of organization is high.

Senator Chandler: So you're trying to get out of Senate funding?

Senator Byrne: Yes, we have options that we are exploring. 

YJR Sponsorship Bill passes.


VP Hancock: There's a couple games going on this weekend and a YAC event.

Chairman Ko: There's also the engineering winter Olympics in Glaske this evening.

Open Forum:

Senator Hammers: Update on the veteran lounge. They did the construction and I went there earlier to arrange the furniture a bit. Apparently, there's a committee of five women on campus who decide all the furniture on campus. I was kind of thinking of buying the furniture myself by the end of the month, but we'll see if they get back to me on a decision. Facilities also told me that they were thinking about putting a lock on the door so that only veterans can enter with their IDs, but I would rather have them just give me $2000 for something else. On another note, all this stuff means that I have to do more club work like designating officers. That reminds me that there's a form I need to fill out but I've been having problems with that.

Senator Byrne: Did you make sure that you are signed into your Microsoft account?

Senator Hammers: Now you're making me have to explain the whole she-bang. I got the link and did the authentication stuff but it still didn't let me go through. I think I have to talk to Hannah next.

Session recessed at 11:37.