Meeting of October 10, 2024

October 10, 2024

Minutes Recorded by: Francis Ko


Call to Order at 11:01 AM

Senator Hammers prays

Roll Called

Minutes Approved 11:04AM


VP Hancock: I haven't been doing this because it's not on the initial guide Francis gave me, but this is the part of session where I ask Farmer and the chairs to report things. Unfortunately, Farmer is (I hate to say dead because it would be on the minutes), but... incapacitated

Chairman Zoboroski: Ice cream this Friday

Chairman Ko: We're progressing on the website, and I really want the calendar to take off, so if you or someone you know get involved in an event, submit it!

Special Business:

Old Business:

New Business:

Senator Hammers: I want to ... I talked about this vaguely in passing, but I want to repurpose a lounge that is not being used, how do I go about that?

VP Hancock: That would be for Dr. Conn, who is not here today, but we can move that to open forum.


VP Hancock: There is that politics thing today with Texas Roadhouse. There are more events, but they should be on your inbox if you look at student life updates. We might also have women's flag football if we can literally get one more girl to sign up.

Open Forum:

VP Hancock: Which lounge?

Senator Hammers: The over near computer science - it's barely ever used. I was talking with the group of veterans, we're kind of small since there's about 13-14 of us. Everybody seems to have a space. We don't want to trample over anyone. We just want to have a little space for veterans, maybe a little fridge or a microwave.

VP Hancock: I don't think there should be any problems with that. There are a lot of renovations planned, like moving the writing center to the library, but that one doesn't conflict with anything I know of.

Senator Hammers: We just want a space to congregate. 

Chairman Ko: Respectfully, isn't that space a bit too small for 13-14 people?

Senator Hammers: Respectfully, I don't plan on everyone being there at once.

VP Hancock: Do we like the new whiteboards? There is talk about of expanding them out, so I just want to get feedback.

Chairman Smith: Absolutely not.

VP Hancock: There are advantages, like being able to order a specific square footage. However, the weird beige and bad appearance makes them hard to see.

Senator Ross: White makes the other colors stand out, but the middle tone doesn't work.

VP Hancock: KMO didn't appreciate that I dissed the expensive boards, but I want to let her know about what the students think

Chairman Ko: Don't forget about the calendar!

Motion to recess.

Meeting recessed at 11:19AM