Meeting of October 3, 2024
October 3, 2024
Minutes Recorded by: Francis Ko
Call to Order at 11:01 AM
Senator Toce prays
Roll Called
Minutes Approved 11:07AM
Special Business:
Old Business:
VP Hancock: I was offered a free suggestion box from the airport, so when I get that I will set it up.
VP Hancock: We need volunteers for homecoming ice cream. We will also be distributing otter pops during go karts. This is important since we want to have people like us. This is high on my priority list.
PPT Farmer: The actual races will be at 2:30 on Saturday.
VP Hancock: We need 1 to 2 people for that. I can do that, but I don't want to.
VP Hancock: Should we move ice cream this Friday? I think 3:30 would be good. Personally I know a lot of people like to go early to play on their phone.
Open Forum:
PPT Farmer: I want to put a sign by the pond to put an entrance sign on it. I think it would be a nice place to put a Senate logo.
VP Hancock: The University has a lot of plans to renovate the pond area. I know for sure that they are making a fire pit next to it, so those plans might have to be postponed.
PPT Farmer: Where is that going to be?
VP Hancock: I don't know. There's a lot of plans and I did not want to ask more clarifying questions. It's a whole operation.
PPT Farmer: Well if anyone has any other comments, we can move on. No? Great.
VP Hancock: In other news, we are trying to address the librarian issue. Since the doors don't have a scan lock, there is a safety issue with trying to keep the building open at night without any certified librarians.
Senator Tedrow: You need a master's degree to become a librarian!?
VP Hancock: Wow
Motion to recess.
Meeting recessed at 11:19AM