Meeting of September 5, 2024
September 5, 2024
Minutes Recorded by: Francis Ko
Visitor(s): Dr. Conn
Call to Order at 11:10 AM
PPT Farmer prays
Roll Called
Chairman Ko: Why don't we have everyone introduce themselves?
PPT Farmer: Hi, I am PPT Farmer, I manage the committees here and also do sergeant-at-arms duties since we got rid of that position.
Chairman Smith: I am Gavin Smith, this time of the year is really crazy because we have to give 60 clubs money. Deadline is September 18th we will meet on the 21st. If you are available and interested, please reach out to me since we'll need help.
Chairman Ko: Hi, I am Chairman Ko. I am head of Public Records and Relations. I also take the minutes, which means that I apologize in advance since my speaking will always be kind of awkward.
Chairman Zobroski: I am Kyle Zobroski, head of student life. We mainly just do ice cream, if that sounds interesting, reach out.
Special Business:
Senators Boyce, Kraft, Kruse, and Lounsbury sworn in.
Senators with an IMPACT Position approved.
PPT Farmer: Since Student Senate is a big organization and part of campus, we really need more volunteers. We are using a new program to standardize volunteering, kind of like credits. If you help with ice cream, club funding, or PRNR stuff, you get a credit marked on the attendance sheet. While there isn't a hard limit yet, if you have zero credits at the end of a semester, your position as a senator will be reconsidered, honestly by both you and leadership.
New Business:
Motion to bring a bill to the floor.
Camera bill brought up.
Senator Kilburn: I do have a concern about the game camera. Many of them operate on a subscription model, so we may need to allocate funds accordingly.
PPT Farmer: The idea is to buy a cellular based camera, the money should cover everything, so we should be fine.
CAMERA Bill passes.
VP Hancock: We will have ice cream this week. Later, we will have ice cream at different times when there isn't a YAC event. There is also Lake Day.
Open Forum:
VP Hancock: This time is where we are really open to projects, so if you want to make LETU better, reach out. Also, new senators, meet with Francis after session.
Motion to recess.
Meeting recessed at 11:44