Si blitz pizza funding Bill of Spring 2022

In Session April 14th, 2022

Letourneau University Student Senate

Sponsored by Senator Bright

A Bill

Relating to the allocation of funds for the purchasing of pizza for SI Blitz.

Be it enacted by the LeTourneau University Student Senate

Short Title

Section A.

This act may be referred to as the "SI Blitz Pizza Funding Bill of Spring 2022."


Section B.

1. A total of three hundred dollars ($300) shall be allocated from the Senate General Fund to the Achievement Center for the purchase of pizzas during SI Blitz.

2. All funds not used in this manner shall revert to the Senate General Fund.

Effective Date

Section C.

This bill shall become effective upon passage.


Section D.

The pizzas shall be purchased and acquired under the direction of Debbie McGinness, Assistant Director for Academic Support.

Explanations and Reasoning

Section E.

December of 2019 was the last time LeTourneau University had SI Blitz just before finals. The Achievement Center is planning on bringing the Blitz back this semester (April 30th). In the past, Senate has funded most of the pizza purchased on that day, so Mrs. Debbie McGinness has again requested financial assistance for this semester. Two volunteers have also been requested to assist with the serving of the pizza.