Post Action Recess Bill of Spring 2021

In Session, MArch 25, 2021:

Sponsored by Senator Anderson.

A Bill

Relating to the definition of a Senate recess to avoid procedural issues in the event that session needs to be called at a date and time earlier than the regular weekly occurrence.

Be it enacted by the LeTourneau University Student Senate

Short Title

Section A.

This act may be referred to as the "Post Action Recess Bill”


Section B.

  1. Let a motion for a “post action recess” be defined with the following stipulations.

    1. Session will be recessed until quorum is reached and session is called to order by the highest ranking Senate officer present. The highest rank being defined as the Vice President, followed by the President Pro Tempor, Sergeant at Arms or Secretary, Committee Chairs, Senators. If there is a tie for highest rank, those present shall appoint amongst themselves one to preside over the meeting of those highest ranking.

    2. Once Session is resumed, the order of business shall resume with the call to order and prayer, followed by the review of the minutes, officer reports, committee reports, announcements, special business, old business, new business, and open forum.

  2. In the event that session is to be resumed outside of usual hours, communication must be made to the entire Senate body within at least an hour of the call to order.

Effective Date

Section C.

This act shall become effective upon passage.

Explanations and Reasoning

In the event that the normal operation of Senate cannot complete within its usual weekly meeting, let the precedent of recessing rather than adjourning Senate sessions be set. This new precedent will allow more flexibility so that any unforeseen crises may be addressed effectively without the breakdown of Senate procedures.