Ice Cream Funding Bill of Spring 2021
Sponsored by Chairman Willis, Senator Gonzalez
A Bill
Relating to the purchase of ice cream for the Senate Friday Ice Cream Social.
Be it enacted by the LeTourneau University Student Senate
Short Title
Section A.
This act may be referred to as the "Ice Cream Funding Bill of Spring 2021"
Section B.
A total of two-thousand ($2,000) dollars will be allocated for the purchase of ice cream and supplies for the Senate Friday Ice Cream Social.
All funds not used in this manner shall revert back to the Senate General Fund.
Effective Date
Section C.
This bill shall become effective upon passage
Section D.
This event and distribution of Ice Cream will be in accordance with current COVID-19 regulations.
Explanations and Reasoning
Section E.
This sacred tradition must be upheld even in these times of great uncertainty and turmoil. An opportunity for the students to socialize and enjoy a Friday break is beyond value. To deny this is to deny what makes us senators and, dare I say, what makes us human.