The Gratuity Act of Spring 2021
In Session, February 25, 2021, Amended March 4, 2021:
Sponsored by Senators Avent and President Pro Tempore LaQuey, at the request of Vice President Murphy
A Bill
Relating to the expression of Gratitude of the Student Body towards the staff and volunteers who have gone the extra mile during the Snowed-in week of February 15-20, 2021.
Be it enacted by the LeTourneau University Student Senate
Short Title
Section A.
This act may be referred to as the "Gratuity Act of Spring 2021"
Section B.
Five Hundred Dollars ($500) will be used to host a Thank You Lunch through Chick-fil-a Catering for RAs, Staff, and Student Volunteers who put in extra effort during the Snowed-In week of February 15-20.
Two-thousand five-hundred Dollars ($2,500) will be used to fill gift baskets for various campus workers and volunteers, specified in Section C.
All funds not used in this manner shall revert to the Senate General Fund.
Section C.
Funds will be used in the following manner:
Thank You Lunch
a. Individually Prepared Chick-fil-a Lunches will be provided for:
i. All Resident Assistants
ii. Student who volunteered to staff SAGA during the week of February 15-20
iii. Student Life and Residence Life Staff who volunteered to staff SAGA during the week of February 15-20.
2. In acknowledgement of their increased and appreciated efforts throughout this challenging year, Gift Baskets will be made available for:
a. Residential Assistants
b. Student SAGA volunteers
c. Bon Appetit Staff
d. Student Life and Residential Life Staff
e. Facilities Services Staff
f. and University Police Department Staff
3. All Events and Gift Basket Distributions will be done in accordance with current COVID-19 Regulations.
Explanation and Reasoning
Section D.
Throughout the Week of February 15-20, 2021. Texas experienced a massive winter weather event that strained and closed the infrastructure of LeTourneau University, Longview, and Texas. During this crisis, Student Workers, Student Volunteers, Bon Appetit Staff, Student Life Staff, Residential Life Staff, and Facilities Service Staff did work beyond what is usually expected.
While we understand that we will not be able to appropriately compensate the efforts of many workers on this campus, we recognize the importance of fostering an “attitude of gratitude” in any culture or organization. Especially as gratitude and joy are trademarks of a Christian society. (1 Thess. 5:16-18) It is also our responsibility to Encourage Character and Virtue by encouraging those doing good. (Romans 13:3-4)
Effective Date
Section E.
This act shall become effective upon passage.