COVID-19 Mutual Cooperation Resolution of Spring 2021

Sponsored by Senators Bright, Edwards, Moyes, Gonzalez, and LaQuey

A Resolution

Relating to the means of enforcing the COVID-19 policy on the LeTourneau University campus.

Short Title

Section A.

This act may be referred to as the "COVID-19 Mutual Cooperation Resolution of Spring 2021".


Section B.

Whereas, During the Fall of 2020, Student Life addressed COVID-19 policy infractions in a four-step process: one verbal warning, one written warning, one written warning with a monetary fine, and conduct meetings. Following the Fall of 2020 Student Life rightly identified a loophole in the enforcement of COVID policy. Different Impact and student workers had no method of recording verbal warnings; hence, students received endless verbal warnings without consequence.

Whereas, To resolve this loophole, instead of changing the verbal warning to a written warning, Student Life removed the first warning from its COVID-19 policy enforcement process. In doing so, they left LeTourneau students with a three-step enforcement policy—only one warning before monetary fines could take effect. While this policy change removes the nebulous verbal warnings, it also peels a layer of protection off the student body and heightens the “policing” aspects of all student leader positions.

Whereas, In a solution that satisfies the needs of all, a return to the four-step COVID-19 enforcement policy with slight modifications (written, written, fine, meetings) promises to allow Student Life to track violations without damaging PR and student to student-leader relationships.

Whereas, The LeTourneau University Student Senate recognizes the necessity of student accountability while also voicing the needs and concerns of our constituents.

Be it Resolved by the LeTourneau University Student Senate:

1. We request that the enforcement of COVID-19 policy occurs as follows: one written warning, one written warning, one written warning with a monetary fine, conduct meetings.

a. To this end, The LeTourneau University Student Senate shall submit a memorandum to the Offices of Student Life providing explanations for this request.

b. The process of drafting the memorandum and presenting it to the Senate for approval shall be discussed by the Senate body and approved by a simple majority.

2. We request for a public response to the requests made in sec.1 from the Offices of Student Life within fourteen calendar days of the submittal of the memorandum.