Safety Survey Sponsorship Bill of Fall 2023


In Session November 2nd, 2023


Letourneau University Student Senate

Sponsored by VP Byrne, PPT Farmer, Chairman Ko, Chairman Hancock, Chairman Smith, Chairman Robinson, and Senator Hall


A Bill

Relating to the Senate publishing a survey regarding campus safety and giving students who take the survey a chance to win a gift card.


Be it enacted by the LeTourneau University Student Senate


Short Title

Section A.

This act may be referred to as the "Safety Survey Sponsorship Bill of Fall 2023"



Section B.

1. $200 will be allocated to purchasing $25 Amazon Gift cards so that students have incentive to take the campus safety survey.

2. Funds will be distributed randomly and not towards any Executive Cabinet members, Student Senators, or people directly involved with operation of this survey.


Effective Date

Section C.

This act shall become effective upon passage.

Explanations and Reasoning

Section E.

Good engagement is not free.