TV For You and Me Bill of Fall 2021

In session October 28, 2021

Sponsored by Senator Fuentes and Chairman Crowder

A Bill

Relating to the funding assistance that will be provided to floors who would like to do more with their floor funds.

Be it enacted by the LeTourneau University Student Senate.

Short Title

Section A.

This act may be referred to as the “TV For You and Me Bill of Fall 2021.”


Section B.

1. A total of $200.00 dollars will be allocated to Davis Hall 1 for the purchase of an all-hall TV from the Senate General Fund.

2. All funds not used in this manner shall revert to the Senate General Fund

3. A Student Senate sticker shall be shlapped on the TV to remind students of Senate’s assistance.

4. The TV will be open to all of Davis Hall for general use, but Davis Hall 1 will have first rights to its use and will provide maintenance for the TV.

Effective Date

Section C.

This act shall become effective upon passage.

Explanations and Reasoning

Section D.

An all-hall TV would help them to relax and have fun, helping to build community for the floors and the dorm overall. In addition, an all-hall TV has been brought up multiple times and would be a welcomed addition to the Davis family.