The Re-Educational Flyer Funding Bill Of 2021

In Session August 26, 2021

Letourneau University Student Senate

Sponsored by Senators Edwards, Wesley, Gonzalez, and Chairman Willis

An Act

Relating to the purchase of high-quality flyers for the purpose of informing students about the Student Senate.

Be it enacted by the LeTourneau University Student Senate

Short Title

Section A.

This act may be referred to as the "Re-Educational Flyer Funding Bill of Fall 2021"


Section B.

1. A total of two hundred ($200) dollars will be allocated for the purchase of high quality, colored flyers.

2. All funds not used in this manner shall revert back to the Senate General Fund.

Effective Date

Section C.

This bill shall become effective upon passage

Explanations and Reasoning

Section D.

Student Senate needs more advertisement, especially with the start of a new semester. There are a lot of students that know very little about the Student Senate, and what we do here. The PR&R committee believes that these flyers will aid in informing people about Student Senate, bringing in new senators so that more people may be represented.