Grill For Evelyn LeTourneau Hall Bill Of Fall 2021
In session November 4th, 2021
Sponsored by Senators Drebot, Hill, Edwards, and Lounsbury
A Bill
relating to the funding assistance that will be provided to ELH who would like to do more with their floor funds.
Be it enacted by the LeTourneau University Student Senate.
Short Title
Section A.
This act may be referred to as the “Grill For E.L.H. Bill of Fall 2021
Section B.
1. A total of $350.00 dollars will be allocated to Evelyn LeTourneau Hall for the purchase of a functioning grill and all necessary equipment for said grill from the Senate General Fund.
2. All funds not used in this manner shall revert to the Senate General Fund
3. A Student Senate sticker shall be shlapped on the grill, in a safe spot, to remind students of Senates assistance.
4. The grill will be open to all of E.L.H for general use and E.L.H. 1 shall provide maintenance for the grill.
Effective Date
Section C.
This act shall become effective upon passage.
Explanations and Reasoning
Section D.
E.L.H is a building that has a very strong community, and that community is what draws people to live in E.L.H. A grill would allow E.L.H. residents to enjoy time in community with each other and even host bible studies or other social events at their hall. There have been many discussions about having grill nights; however, without a functioning grill E.L.H has been unable to have this event.